7 Del. Admin. Code § 5102-6.0
Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025
Section 5102-6.0 - Appeal From the Division's Decision6.1 Activity Pending Appeal 6.1.1 The applicant shall not commence any activity regulated under Section 4.0 of the Regulations until such time as a final determination has been rendered on the matter and the appeal period has expired without an appeal having been taken, or, if appealed, the appeal process has been exhausted.6.2 Procedures 6.2.1 Any person or persons, jointly or severally, or any taxpayer, or any officer, department, board or bureau of the state, aggrieved by any decision of the Division, many appeal to the Secretary by giving written notice of appeal to the Secretary, and to the applicant if other than the appellant. Such notice shall be by certified or registered mail within 20 calendar days of the Division's decision, and shall specify: (1) the interest of the appellant;(2) the basis of the appeal; and(3) the specific laws, regulations or other legal authorities alleged to have been violated by the Division's decision. A public hearing may be held on any such appeal, upon request, whenever the Secretary deems the hearing request meritorious. A request for a public hearing shall be deemed meritorious when the appeal is not frivolous and the notice of appeal exhibits a reasonable familiarity with the Division's decision. The public hearing shall be conducted as follows: For any hearing on an application, notification shall be served upon the applicant as summonses are served or by registered or certified mail not less than 20 calendar days before the time of said hearing. Notice shall also be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the activity is proposed and in a daily newspaper of general circulation throughout the State not less than 20 calendar days before the time of said hearing. The appellant may appear personally or be represented by counsel at the hearing and produce any competent evidence in their behalf. The Secretary or the Secretary's authorized designee may administer oaths, examine witnesses, and issue, in the name of the Department, notices of hearings or subpoenas requiring the testimony of witnesses and production of books, records or other documents relevant to any matter involved in such hearing. A verbatim transcript of testimony at the hearing shall be prepared and shall, along with the exhibits and other documents introduced by the Secretary or other parties, constitute the record. The Secretary or the Secretary's authorized designee shall make findings of fact based on the record. The Secretary shall then enter an order that will best further the purposes of the Act and these Regulations, and the order shall include reasons. The Secretary shall promptly give written notice of the order to parties who participated in the hearing.7 Del. Admin. Code § 5102-6.0
20 DE Reg. 120 (8/1/2016) (Final)