Regulations Governing the Location of Hazardous Waste Storage, Treatment, and Disposal Facilities
- Regulations Governing the Location of Hazardous Waste Storage, Treatment, and Disposal Facilities
- Section 1370-1.0 - Scope and Applicability
- Section 1370-2.0 - Definitions
- Section 1370-3.0 - Location Criteria for Land Emplacement Facilities
- Section 1370-4.0 - Location Criteria for Non Land Emplacement Storage, Treatment and Disposal Facilities
- Section 1370-5.0 - Site Suitability Report
- Section 1370-6.0 - Exemptions
- Section 1370-7.0 - Procedures
- Section 1370-8.0 - Local Government Land Use Approval
- Section 1370-9.0 - Public Notice and Hearings
- Section 1370-10.0 - Appeals
- Section 1370-11.0 - Community Participation
- Section 1370-12.0 - Severability