2 Del. Admin. Code § 4.4

Current through Register Vol. 28, No. 7, January 1, 2025

This section applies to the requirements for commercial entrances, as well as private subdivision entrances onto State-maintained roadways.

Any project submitted to DelDOT for review must contain all elements listed in this section and in accordance with the Gatekeeping Checklist, available on DelDOT's website at http://devcoord.deldot.gov > Checklists. When a project is submitted for review, the submission will be checked to ensure that all required elements are on the plan and all necessary documents are included. If any elements are not relevant to the particular site then these elements shall be specified in the submittal letter or on the checklist. Incomplete submissions will be returned to the engineer for resubmission with no comments provided by DelDOT.

4.4.1Commercial Entrance Plan Submittal Requirements - General Guidelines

The following items are required by DelDOT for Commercial Entrance Plan submittals:

A. The plan sheet size shall be 24" x 36". Plan sheets of other sizes shall be returned without review.
B. Drafting work shall be neat, legible and reflect locations of existing and proposed features based on actual field surveys. All text height shall be 0.1 times the scale of the plan sheet. All text shall be legible when plans are produced at half size.
C. Entrance plans shall be drawn to a scale of 1" = 30' (1" = 20' acceptable). Location map showing the relationship of the site to existing State-maintained roadways. The location map shall be drawn to a scale of no less than 1 inch = 1 mile.
D. Drainage report which will include calculations for: total drainage area, total impervious area, peak discharge, open and closed drainage systems, drainage spread on roadways, stormwater management, outfalls, etc.
4.4.2Commercial Entrance Plan Submittal Requirements - Title Sheet

Title sheets shall include the following:

A. A title block containing:
1. DelDOT project ID number (provided by DelDOT)
2. Name of proposed business
3. Name of nearest town or city with name of applicable hundred or county
4. Road name and maintenance number of roadway being accessed
5. Scaled drawing of the project
6. Date and/or revised date
7. Name, address and telephone number of engineer or surveyor preparing plan
8. Seal of engineer or surveyor (Delaware license required)
B. A data block containing:
1. Type of business
2. Gross acreage of property
3. Gross leasable floor area
4. Parking spaces required
5. Parking spaces provided
6. Local government responsible for land use approval
7. General location map
8. North arrow
9. General Notes (http://devcoord.deldot.gov > Quick Links > DelDOT Notes)
10. Sheet index with total sheet count
11. Legend for existing and proposed features (symbols, line types, etc)
4.4.3Commercial Entrance Plan Submittal Requirements - Entrance Plan Sheet

Entrance plans shall include the following:

A. Existing and proposed right-of-way, property lines and easements.
B Names and parcel information of abutting land owners.
C Existing and proposed pavement edges and material types.
D Existing and proposed utilities including all DelDOT infrastructure.
E Contours showing the elevation of the existing ground within the limits of the topographic survey. The contour interval for various ground slopes shall be shown in accordance with Figure 4.3.5-a. Topography shall extend to the limits as defined in Section 4.3.5-C.
F. Proposed contours
G. Location of any crossovers
H. Roadway curves
I. Existing and proposed entrances serving adjacent properties
J. Proposed sight distance easements
K. Existing and proposed drainage features
L. Location of existing and proposed buildings
M. Existing and proposed utility poles, signs, etc.
N. Parking layout
O. Proposed entrance geometry, including entrance radii dimensions
P. Centerline stationing for the frontage road(s)
Q. Proposed curb and sidewalk grades
R. At a proposed entrance that requires widening to the existing State-maintained roadway, spot elevations on the proposed edge of pavement and where the proposed pavement meets the existing pavement shall be provided at 25-foot intervals. Spot elevations at the entrance radii shall be given at 10-foot intervals.
S. Site specific entrance construction details. (A separate plan sheet may be required for details.) DelDOT standard details shall not be shown on plans.
T. Proposed limit of construction
U. Traffic Generation Diagram (for more information, see figure 3.4.2.a and DelDOT's Traffic Generation Example which is available online at http://devcoord.deldot.gov > Guidelines), showing the following:
1. Site generated ADT and distribution (per the latest edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual)
2. Mainline ADT (existing and projected) and speed limit
V. Signing and striping plan with existing and proposed striping, including lane widths. A separate plan view or sheet may be required.
W. Existing traffic infrastructure, devices and systems including but not limited to signal and pedestrian poles, junction wells, inductive loops, cameras, conduit, weather equipment, pedestrian signals, cabinets and red light cameras)
X. North arrow and Graphic scale (1" = 30' preferred, 1" = 20' acceptable
Y. Typical sections as defined in Section 4.3.3
Z. Existing/Proposed transit facilities, pedestrian and shared-use pathways, pedestrian crossings and bicycle facilities
4.4.4Commercial Entrance Plan Submittal Requirements - Maintenance of Traffic Sheet

Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) must be accounted for on all projects. Depending on the complexity of the project, MOT requirements may range from notes or a short narrative on the plans referencing the MOT Typical Application in the DE MUTCD to a series of sheets detailing the traffic control measures for phased construction. Applicable MOT General Notes shall be placed on the plan. See

http://devcoord.deldot.gov > Quick Links > DelDOT Notes for General Notes for MOT.

4.4.5Commercial Entrance Plan Submittal Requirements - Cross Section Sheets

Where subdivision construction plans include proposed improvements to frontage roads, cross sections shall be required. Cross sections shall be shown along the frontage road every 50 feet at even stations (e.g. 1+00, 1+50, etc.) within the limits of improvements. Cross sections shall show the following information:

A. Existing and proposed widths of streets, lanes, shoulders, right-of-way and easements
B. Existing and proposed cross slopes of all lanes, shoulders and swales
C. Slope of roadside embankment (front slope and back slope)
D. Clear zone width and horizontal clearance
E. Proposed limit of construction
F. Point-of-Profile Grade Application
G. Existing and proposed curb, including curb type(s)
H. Depth and type of pavement material
I. Locations to place topsoil, seed and mulch
J. Location of underdrains
K. All existing and proposed drainage structures and utilities

2 Del. Admin. Code § 4.4

13 DE Reg. 1101 (02/01/10)
15 DE Reg. 551 (10/01/11)
16 DE Reg. 1199 (5/1/2013)
18 DE Reg. 240 (9/1/2014)
18 DE Reg. 709 (3/1/2015)
19 DE Reg. 73 (7/1/2015)
19 DE Reg. 938 (4/1/2016) (Final)