Conn. Agencies Regs. § 9-242-14
The warranty for the marksense or punchcard system shall provide that the system and all supporting materials, except the ballots, are free from defects for a period of five years following the conduct of the first general election or first primary in which the system is used. The equipment shall conform to its published specifications and all the promotional materials and literature that were given to the purchasing jurisdiction. Additionally, the equipment shall conform to the specifications required in sections 9-242-1 to 9-242-39, inclusive, of these regulations. The manufacturer shall give a lifetime license to use the software and shall provide, free of charge, any updates to the software, hardware and firmware necessary to correct defects in the voting system for the life of the system. The punchcard or marksense voting system shall have an anticipated useful life expectancy of at least 20 years.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 9-242-14