Vehicle Identification Number (VIN):________________________________
Year: _____________ Make: ________________ Model: ________________
Prior Title Number: _______________ State of Title: ___________________
Warning: This vehicle was previously sold as new. It was subsequently alleged or found to have the following defect(s) or condition(s).
As a result of the defect(s) or condition(s) or a combination of both enumerated above this motor vehicle was replaced or a refund made. This motor vehicle may not be sold as new. This "disclosure statement" may only be removed after written acceptance by the commissioner of motor vehicles of an authorized engineering report that the defect(s) or condition(s) or combination of both has been corrected.
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN):________________________________
Year: _____________ Make: ________________ Model: ________________
Prior Title Number: _______________ State of Title: ___________________
Warning: This vehicle was previously sold as new. It was subsequently alleged or found to have the following defect(s) or condition(s).
As a result of the defect(s) or condition(s) or a combination of both enumerated above this motor vehicle was replaced or a refund made. This motor vehicle may not be sold as new.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 42-179-8