Conn. Agencies Regs. § 38a-297-4
Aldus | Chelmsford (Optima) |
Alternate Gothic No. 3 | Clarendon Light |
American Typewriter Light | Clearface |
American Typewriter Medium | Crown (Century) |
Americana | Egyptian |
Andover (Palatino) | Egyptian Light |
Antique Olive Light | Electra |
Aster | Eurostile |
Auriga | Fairfield Medium |
Avant Garde Light | Friz Quadrata |
Avant Garde Book | Garamond |
Baskerville | Garamond No. 3 |
Bembo | Goudy Oldstyle |
Benguiat Book | Hanover (Melior) |
Bodoni | Helvetica Light |
Bodoni Book | Helvetica |
Bookman | Helvetica Condensed |
Caledonia | Highland (Caledonia) |
Candida | Iridium |
Caslon Old Face No. 2 | Italia Book |
Century Expanded | Janson |
Century Schoolbook | Korinna |
Megaron Light (Helvetica Light) | Stymie Medium |
Megaron Medium (Helvetica Medium) | Stymie Light |
Melior | Tiffany Light |
Memphis Light | Tiffany Medium |
Memphis Medium | Times Roman |
Monticello | Trade Gothic Light |
News Gothic | Trade Gothic |
Optima | Trade Gothic Condensed |
Orion | Trade Gothic Extended |
Palatino | Trump |
Primer | Trump Medieval |
Quorum Light | Univers Light |
Quorum Book | Univers Medium |
Rotation | Univers No. 45 |
Sabon | Univers No. 46 |
Schoolbook | Univers No. 55 |
Serif Gothic Light | Univers No. 56 |
Souvenir | Univers No. 57 |
Souvenir Light | Univers 45 Light |
This list is not intended to be exhaustive but is intended solely as an indication of the legibility of a type-face style that is required. Any type-face style selected other than those listed above may be used only with the approval of the Insurance Commissioner. Extreme type styles such as "Old English" or heavy block are not acceptable.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 38a-297-4