Section 31-250-2 - General nature and purpose of personal data systems(a)Job Service: Employment Applications(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: Employment Applications Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut State Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT. 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) Purpose: (i) Retrieval of applicants for placement, enrollment in programs or job development(ii) Labor Market Information (Research Department)(iii) Demographic planning of programs.(iv) Reporting-State and Federal purposes(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and to Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System should be Made: Director, Connecticut Job Service
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Routine sources of data are the Job Service registrants, Job Service intake interviewers, and other agencies, such as public welfare and rehabilitation facilities.
(G) Legal Authority: Wagner-Peyser Act ( 29 U.S.C. 49et seq.)
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of personal data: (i) Employment/business history(ii) Educational/training courses(iii) Characteristics including physical disability, veteran(vii) Barriers to employment (lack of transportation, child care, occupational skills)(xi) Occupational Code and Title(B) Categories of Other Data: (ii) Social Security Number(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: All applicants for services(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data: (A) Routine Use of Records: (i) Referral to employment or enrollment in programs in vocational training programs. To this end, selected data may be shared with employers and/or other agencies.(ii) Statistical summaries(iii) Local office follow-up services(iv) The Unemployment Compensation Department is provided information which may be pertinent to the eligibility of claimants for Unemployment Compensation.(v) Service Delivery Areas (SDAs) are provided lists of potential applicants for programs, sponsored by the Job Training Partnership Act.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(b)Job Service: Job Orders(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Job Service Job Order Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut State Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) Purpose: (i) Retrieval of information for referral and enrollment of applicants(ii) Compilation of statistics for Labor Market Information(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and to Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Connecticut Job Service
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: (i) Employers and employer representatives(ii) Job Service interviewers(iii) Unemployment Compensation employer records are accessed to verify employer tax registration numbers(G) Legal Authority: Wagner-Peyser Act ( 29 U.S.C. 49et seq.)
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of Personal Data: (i) Occupational and Standard Industrial (SIC) codes(iv) Characteristics of job(v) Dates of order, referrals and results(vi) Referral instructions(B) Categories of Other Data:(iii) Representative's name(v) Connecticut Unemployment Compensation Employer Registration Number(vi) Names of applicants referred/hired(vii) Reasons applicant not hired(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Employer/representative to whom referrals are made and the applicants referred to jobs.(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data: (A) Routine Use of Records: (i) Referral of applicants to employer, including any job development efforts.(ii) Statistics are compiled for Labor Market Information.(iii) Investigation of client complaints.(iv) Information is sent to the Unemployment Compensation Department regarding referrals of claimants.(v) Job vacancies which are difficult to fill are directed to Interstate Clearance for exposure in other states.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(c)Job Service: Complaints from Agency Clients and Job Service Staff(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: Records of Complaints from Agency Clients and Job Service Staff.
(B) Location of System: Connecticut State Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Manual
(D) Purpose:(i) Settle discrimination complaints from registered applicants.(ii) Monitor Job Service staff and records to ensure nondiscrimination of services to clients.(iii) Resolve complaints of one agency employee regarding another agency employee.(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Connecticut Job Service
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Complainant, Job Service Job Orders, local office staff, health care providers and witnesses to any incident in dispute, if applicable.
(G) Legal Authority: Presidential Executive Order 11246, amended by 11375; Titles VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act; Connecticut General Statutes, Sections 4-61u, 4-61w, 4-114(a), 17-206j; 46a-60 (8), 46a-68, 46a-75, 46a-78, 46a-99, and Connecticut Executive Orders 3, 11 and 17.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of personal data: (i) History of physical/mental condition(ii) Employer's history with Job Service(iii) Characteristics at issue (age, religion, race/ethnic group, handicap)(iv) Statement(s) from witnesses(vi) Complainant's statements(B) Categories of Other Data: (ii) Social Security Number(vii) Employer telephone number(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Complainants, health care providers and the employers.(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data:(A) Routine Use of Records:(i) Resolutions are shared with the Agency's Personnel Administrator, Affirmative Action Designee and the Job Service Director.(ii) The Federal Office of Civil Rights and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission receive verbal information when requested.(iii) A statement of the final determination is provided to the complainant and respondent.(iv) When deficiencies are discovered, the appropriate agency is notified (OSHA, Health Department, etc.).(v) Information is summarized into a log for reporting purposes.(vi) Reports are filed with the local Job Service office manager and the Job Service Director regarding violations requiring corrective action.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.S.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(d)Job Service: Trade Adjustment Assistance(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Trade Adjustment Assistance Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut State Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Manual
(D) Purpose: To provide assistance to workers who lose their jobs as the result of increased foreign import competition.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Connecticut Job Service
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Routine sources of data are the applicants for assistance, past employers, local office personnel records, unemployment compensation records, training facilities, the U.S. Department of Labor and the Trade Act Certification Unit.
(G) Legal Authority: Trade Act of 1974, 29 CFR Part 91, Public Law 93-618, as amended by P.L. 97-35, P.L. 98-120 and P.L. 99-272.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of Personal Data: (B) Categories of Other Data: (iii) Social Security Number(vi) Name and address of employer entering into on-the-job training contract(vii) Name and title of employer's designee responsible for administering on-the-job training contract(viii) Course name, cost, hours and duration(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Applicants for Trade Adjustment Assistance.(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data: (A) Routine Use of Records: (i) Records are used to determine the applicant's eligibility for benefits and services, including job referral and placement, job search and relocation allowances and referral to training.(ii) Information is provided to the Unemployment Compensation Department for the determination of eligibility for Trade Readjustment Allowances.(iii) Statistics are supplied for federal reports.(iv) Referral to institutional and on-the-job training programs.(v) Follow-up is done after completion of training to offer job search assistance.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are currently retained until disposition of pending federal litigation. Once such litigation is resolved, records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(e)Job Service: Federal Bonding Program(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: Federal Bonding Program Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut State Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Manual
(D) Purpose: The purpose is to provide fidelity bonding to those people unable to be bonded by commercial means, in order to obtain employment.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Connecticut Job Service
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Applicants, prospective employers, and local office interviewers.
(G) Legal Authority: Wagner-Peyser Act ( 29 U.S.C. 49et. seq.)
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of Personal Data: (ii) Occupational title of job(iii) Date terminated employment(B) Categories of Other Data: (ii) Social Security Number(vi) Name of Bonding Coordinator(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Records are maintained regarding individuals for whom bonding was provided.
(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data: (A) Routine Use of Records: (i) Records are used to verify continuity of employment for which bond was issued.(ii) Upon separation from employment, records are used to request termination of bond.(iii) Bond request is submitted to the McLaughlin Insurance Company in Washington, D.C.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(f)Job Service: Alien Employment Certification(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Alien Employment Certification Records
(B) Location of System: Copies of the application are retained at:
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Originals are retained at:
U. S. Department of Labor
John F. Kennedy Building
Boston, Massachusetts 02203
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) Purpose: To insure that there are no U. S. workers able, qualified and willing to fill a position for which an employer seeks to hire an alien, and that the employment of the alien will not have an adverse affect on the wages and working conditions of U. S. workers similarly employed.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Connecticut Job Service
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Aliens, workers, prospective employers, agents or attorneys and unemployment compensation employer records.
(G) Legal Authority: Section 212A, Immigration and Nationality Act, 20 CFR, Part 656
(2) Categories of Personal Data:(A) Categories of Personal Data:(iii) Licenses or degrees(iv) References from past employers(v) Nature of employer's business(vi) Prevailing wages of similar jobs(vii) Other data retained in job orders, in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of this section.(B) Categories of Other Data: (iii) Birthplace and nationality(vii) Address of employer(ix) Requirements for job(x) Working conditions and duties(xii) Housing description, if applicable(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Aliens, their prospective employers and employers responding to wage surveys.
(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data: (A) Routine Use of Records: (i) Job orders are written based on information supplied on the application in an attempt to recruit U. S. workers.(ii) Records are checked against employer files to ensure that the employer is paying unemployment compensation taxes and that the job offer is valid. Copies of applications for employers without unemployment compensation tax numbers are routed to the Employer Status Unit.(iii) Names and addresses of the aliens and their employers are forwarded to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, in compliance with Section 31-51k of the General Statutes.(iv) The job requirements are restated in the form of a wage survey and mailed to employers with similar occupations in an attempt to determine a prevailing wage.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(g)Job Service: Veterans' Workshops(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: Veteran's Workshop Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) Purpose: To offer employability assistance to veterans who meet pre-established criteria.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Connecticut Job Service
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Veteran, Job Service interviewers and prospective employer.
(G) Legal Authority: Title IV-C of the Job Training Partnership Act ( 29 U.S.C. 1721 )
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of Personal Data: (iv) Personal data collected under subsection (a) of this section(B) Categories of Other Data:(i) Names of veterans attending workshops(ii) Social Security Number(iv) Comments on workshops(v) Other data collected under subsection (a) of this section(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Unemployed Vietnam-Era, Korean and/or disabled veterans.
(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data:(A) Routine Use of Records: (i) To assist Veterans in finding employment(ii) To document amount of grant money spent(iii) Statistics are compiled from records and submitted to the U. S. Department of Labor.(iv) Follow-up is conducted to determine the number of participants who obtained employment within 90 days of attending the workshop.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(h)Job Service: Work Incentive Program (WIN), also known as the Job Connection(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: Work Incentive Program (WIN) Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) Purpose: (i) To provide services to AFDC registrants leading to full-time employment.(ii) To supply statistics for planning needed programs.(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Connecticut Job Service
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Clients, WIN interviewers, staff from the Departments of Human Resources and Income Maintenance, program operators, employers and training facility personnel.
(G) Legal Authority: Federal Regulations at Title IV-C, Section 445 of the Social Security Act.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of Personal Data (i) Appraisal for services(v) Personal data collected under subsection (a) of this section(B) Categories of Other Data: (ii) Name of training facility/employer(iii) Conditions of training(iv) Other data collected under subsection (a) of this section(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: AFDC registrants/recipients and training contractors.
(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data:(A) Routine Use of Records: (i) Records are shared with the Departments of Income Maintenance and Human Resources personnel for providing services continually through the various job-readiness stages.(ii) Statistics are compiled for state and federal purposes.(iii) Other state agencies require data for program planning.(iv) Annually records are cross-checked against Income Maintenance records to determine percentages of former clients receiving public welfare benefits.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(i)Job Service: Targeted Jobs Tax Credit (TJTC)(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Targeted Jobs Tax Credit (TJTC) Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) Purpose: To provide employers a financial incentive to hire workers from certain targeted groups.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Connecticut Job Service
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Applicants, employers, employer representatives, Veterans Administration, public welfare, agencies, Department of Correction, schools and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.
(G) Legal Authority: Revenue Act of 1978, Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982.
(2) Categories of Personal Data:(A) Categories of Personal Data(i) Employment/Business History(ii) Characteristics (handicapped, veteran, welfare, felon, education)(B) Categories of Other Data: (iii) Social Security Number(v) Employer's representative name & title(vii) Employer's telephone number(x) Interviewer's name and signature(xi) Local office name and address(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Applicants for vouchers and employers seeking the tax credit.
(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data:(A) Routine Use of Records:(i) Determining the eligibility of workers for vouchers.(ii) Determining employer eligibility for Certification.(iii) Statistics are compiled regarding the number of vouchers and certifications issued as well as specific data relating to the target group characteristics for state and federal use.(iv) Reviews and audits to ensure compliance with federal regulations.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(j)Job Service: Testing-Aptitude and Proficiency(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Testing-Aptitude and Proficiency Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Manual
(D) Purpose: To make referrals based on aptitude to apprenticeship programs or entry-level positions.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Connecticut Job Service
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Routine sources are candidates for jobs/apprenticeships and the scorer.
(G) Legal Authority: Wagner-Peyser Act ( 29 U.S.C. 49et. seq.)
(2) Categories of personal data: (A) Categories of personal data (ii) Converted test score(iii) Personal data collected under subsection (a) of this section, if appropriate(B) Categories of Other Data: (ii) Address of candidate(iii) Name and address of apprenticeship committee(iv) Personal data collected under subsection (a) of this section, if appropriate(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Individuals tested and the apprenticeship committee.
(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data:(A) Routine Use of Records: (i) Scores are reported to joint apprenticeship committees for use in their selection of candidates for apprenticeship programs.(ii) Job Service applicants who are tested by the Standard Aptitude are given referrals to employers who have requested certain skills or aptitudes.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(k)Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Administration(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Job Training Application Records
(B) Location of System: Automated Records:
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Manual Records:
Local Service Delivery Area administrative offices.
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination - automated aggregate records are maintained centrally. Individual records are maintained locally. Requests for individual information will be routed to responsible local entity.
(D) General Nature and Purpose: Determination of eligibility of applicants for federal job training programs, and compilation of statistical and demographic information required by the United States Department of Labor, the Connecticut General Assembly and the State Job Training Coordinating Council to measure program effectiveness.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure and Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, JTPA Administration
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Information: (ii) Periodic validation is accomplished through public welfare, education, health, and social service agencies.(G) Legal Authority: The Job Training Partnership Act ( 29 U.S.C. 1501et seq.)
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of personal data Education, income, handicapped conditions, employment history, dependents, record of past criminal offenses.
(B) Categories of other data: Name, address, telephone, sex, birthdate, citizenship, race/ethnic, Social Security number, public assistance receipt.
(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained:(i) applicants for job training services(ii) Enrollees in job training programs(3) Uses to be made of personal data: (A) Routine Use of Records (i) Records are used in automated aggregate form to fulfill federal and public reporting requirements and to evaluate program effectiveness.(ii) Records are used locally to screen applicants for eligibility and appropriateness.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(l)Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Advisory Councils(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (B)JTPA Monitoring Records
Location of System: Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, manual or combination: Manual
(D) General nature and purpose: A list of members and the business affiliation of each.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, JTPA Administration
Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine sources of information: Supplied by members.
(G) Legal Authority: The Job Training Partnership Act ( 29 U.S.C. 1501et. seq.)
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of personal data: Employment/business
(B) Categories of other data: (iii) Employment/business address(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained:(i) Members of State Job Training Coordinating Council(ii) Members of local Private Industry Councils(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data: (A) To monitor membership composition of councils against representational mandates.(B) Retention schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(m)Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) Complaints(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:JTPA Complaint Resolution System
(B) Location of system: Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Manual
(D) General nature and purpose: Information file is developed to effect resolution to complaints filed with the JTPA Administration.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, JTPA Administration
Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine sources of information: Information is supplied by various parties to the complaint.
(G) Legal Authority: The Job Training Partnership Act ( 29 U.S.C. 150et. seq.)
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of personal data: Education, income, handicapping conditions, employment history, dependents, record of past criminal offenses.
(B) Categories of other data: (viii) Social Security number(ix) Public Assistance receipt(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained:(i) Applicants for job training services(ii) Enrollees in job training programs(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data: (A) Investigation and resolution of complaints.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(n)Job Service: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA)(1)General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of system: Balance of State CETA Records.
(B) Location of system: Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) General nature and purpose: To screen for program eligibility and appropriateness prior to statutory expiration of CETA (October 1, 1983).
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Connecticut Job Service
Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine source of information: Applicant interviews
(G) Legal Authority: Comprehensive Employment and Training Act ( 29 U.S.C. 801et. seq.)
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of personal data: (iii) Handicapping conditions(vi) Record of past criminal offenses(vii) Relationship to Government/CETA officials(B) Categories of other data: (viii) Social Security number(ix) Public Assistance receipt(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Enrollees in CETA training programs(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data: (A) Response to personal inquiry and ongoing fiscal audits.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(o)Unemployment Compensation Benefits Records(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Unemployment Compensation Benefit Records, including:
(i) Disaster Unemployment Assistance(ii) Trade Readjustment Allowances(iii) Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees(iv) Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemen(B) Location of System: Connecticut State Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) Purpose of Maintaining System: To provide an official accounting of an individual's filing for unemployment compensation, including a record of any eligibility hearings held. These records make it possible to pay benefits to eligible individuals and to tax employers based on the claims chargeable to their accounts.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Unemployment Compensation
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Source of Data: Routine sources of data include the claimants, their employers, their unions, other government agencies (e.g., the Social Security Administration, police departments, and other state employment security agencies), insurance carriers and physicians.
(G) Legal Authority for Collection, Maintenance and Use: Sections 31-222 through 31-274 of the Connecticut General Statutes, inclusive.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) The following categories of personal data are maintained in claimant unemployment compensation benefit records. (i) Employer's quarterly reports of employees' wages.(ii) Benefit payment filing history (including a record of child support payments deducted from unemployment compensation benefits, trade readjustment allowance payments, and disaster unemployment assistance payments)(v) Separation information from one or more former employers (which may include a record of severance, vacation or holiday payments)(B) The following categories of other personal data may be maintained in claimant unemployment records:(iii) Social Security number(v) Race and national origin(x) Pension and social security benefit information (including whether or not the individual participates in medicare)(xi) Civil Service status(xii) Employment status (e.g. full time or part-time) which may include the hours worked and the hourly rate of pay.(xiv) Location at which work was performed for some employers(xv) Self-employment information (which may include farm products raised and held primarily for sale for income)(xvi) Information on an individual's eligibility to receive income protection, insurance payments, supplemental unemployment benefit payments(xvii) Information about an individual's eligibility for a subsistence allowance for vocational rehabilitation or an educational assistance allowance under the War Orphans Educational Assistance Act.(xviii) Income tax withholding information(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: (i) Individuals filing for unemployment compensation (including disaster unemployment assistance, trade readjustment allowance, federal employees' unemployment compensation, and unemployment compensation for ex-servicemen)(ii) All employees of employers subject to chapter 567 of the Connecticut General Statutes(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data: (A) The information gathered is used to determine an individual's eligibility for unemployment compensation benefits (as well as Disaster Unemployment Assistance and Trade Adjustment Assistance). The information is used for this purpose by the Administrator of Unemployment Compensation Act, the Employment Security Appeals Division and Board of Review, as well as state and federal courts.(B) Benefit payment information is supplied to the Internal Revenue Service for income tax purposes.(C) Wage record information is shared with other public employees in the performance of their public duties in accordance with Section 31-254 of the Connecticut General Statutes.(4) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(p)Unemployment Compensation Tax Records of Employers(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Employers' Unemployment Compensation Tax Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut State Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) Purpose for maintaining System: To provide an official record of unemployment compensation benefits chargeable to an employer's account for the purpose of either billing or taxing the employer in order to establish a fund from which benefits can be paid.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Unemployment Compensation
Connecticut State Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Source of Data: Routine Sources of data include the employers themselves, the courts, individuals filing for unemployment compensation, and other government agencies (e.g. the Secretary of State's Office, Department of Motor Vehicles, and Department of Revenue Services)
(G) Legal Authority for collection, maintenance, and use: Sections 31-222 through 31-274 of the Connecticut General Statutes, inclusive.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) The following categories of personal data are maintained, in Employer Unemployment Compensation Tax Records: (i) A listing of a business's corporate officers or partners or proprietor(B) The following categories of other personal data may be maintained in employer unemployment compensation tax records: (i) Social security number(iii) Record of liens or garnishments(iv) Bank account numbers(vi) Quarterly wage records(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained:(iii) Business proprietors(3) Uses To Be Made of Personal Data: (A) Used in determining an employer's liability for unemployment compensation tax.(B) Used in collecting unemployment compensation taxes due.(C) Shared with other federal and state agencies as part of investigations initiated by those agencies.(4) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(q)Appeals Hearings-Unemployment Compensation Program-Lower Authority(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: Appeal Hearings-Unemployment Compensation Program-Referee Level Records
(B) Location of System:(i) 401 Trumbull Street, Hartford, CT 06103(ii) 200 Folly Brook Blvd., Wethersfield, CT 06109(iii) 2 Cliff Street, Norwich, CT 06360(iv) 37 Marne Street, Hamden, CT 0651(v) 900 Madison Avenue (Room 218), Bridgeport, CT 06606(vi) 83 Prospect Street, Waterbury, CT 06702(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) General Nature and Purpose: Compilation and maintenance of an official record of the hearing before an Appeals Referee.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Chief Appeals Referee
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Data is received from the Administrator of the Unemployment Compensation Act and from the parties to appeals.
(G) Legal Authority: Connecticut General Statutes Section 31-237a through 31-249f.
(2) Categories of Personal Data:(A) Personal Data maintained may include the following: The Unemployment Compensation Department's benefit eligibility determination, wage records, application for benefits, and benefit filing and payment history; last employment, reasons for unemployment, grounds for appeal; tape cassette of appeals proceedings.
(B) Categories of other data maintained may include the following: Any evidentiary submission that is received into the record. The evidentiary submissions include but are not limited to medical documents; affidavits; warnings and prior disciplinary actions taken by the employer; pension information; written arguments; social security information; briefs; employment history; claimant's name, address and social security number; history and investigatory information regarding alleged failure to report earnings.
(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Claimants and/or employers involved in a disputed claim for unemployment benefits or employer tax liability.
(3) Uses to be made of Personal Data. (A) Routine use of records: The Appeals Referee compiles the record in order to render a decision regarding a disputed claim for unemployment benefits or employer tax liability.
(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(r)Appeals-Unemployment Compensation Program-Higher Authority(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: Appeals Decisions-Unemployment Compensation Program-Board of Review Records
(B) Location of System: Employment Security Board of Review Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) General Nature and Purpose: Through use of the record before the Appeals Referee and any additional documents, written argument or hearing deemed necessary (either by the board itself or by the Referee on behalf of the Board) the Board shall affirm, modify or reverse the decision of the Appeals Referee or remand the case to the Referee for such further proceedings as the Board may direct.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Chairman, Employment Security Board of Review
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data retrieval: Data received from the record compiled at the Referee level hearing and from submissions of the parties in support of and in opposition to the appeal
(G) Legal Authority: Connecticut General Statutes Sections 31-237a through 31-249f
(2) Categories of Personal Data:(A) Personal data maintained may include the following: All testimony, evidence and submissions from the hearing before the Appeals Referee and appeal documents.
(B) Other data maintained may include the following: Submissions which include but are not limited to motions to reopen, legal briefs, and testimony or evidence not included as part of the original record before the Referee (in instances where the Board conducts or orders an additional hearing or otherwise supplements the record).
(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained:(i) Claimants and/or employers involved in an appeal from Referee's decision to the Board of Review.(ii) Claimants and/or employers who are involved in an appeal from a Board of Review decision to the Superior Court.(3) Uses to be made of Personal data: (A) Routine use of records: (i) Utilized by Chairman, Board members and other employees of the Board to decide appeals to the Board of Review from decisions of Appeals Referees.(ii) On appeal to Superior Court a copy of the record is certified by the Board to the court.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(s)Board of Labor Relations-Case Records(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Case Records in Prohibited Practice, Unfair Labor Practice, Representation and Declaratory Ruling Contested Cases.
(B) Location of System: State Board of Labor Relations
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Combination or Manual: Manual
(D) General Nature and Purpose:(i) Active case records contain information gathered by agents and/or assistant agents, investigations and by formal hearings conducted by the Board. Needed for investigation, mediation, settlement, administrative adjudication and/or court litigation of prohibited practice, unfair labor practice, representation and declaratory ruling cases.(ii) Closed Case Records contain information gathered by Agent's or assistant agents' investigations and by formal hearings conducted by the Board and/or generated by court litigation. Needed for future related cases which might arise between the same parties.(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Board Agent, Board of Labor Relations
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Agents, assistant agents, participants at hearings
(G) Legal Authority: Sections 5-270 to 5-280, Sections 7-460 to 7-479, Sections 10-153a to 10-156d and Sections 31-101 to 31-111b of the General Statutes.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Personal Data maintained may include the following:(ii) Transcript of hearings(B) Other Data maintained may include the following:(iii) Social Security numbers(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Employers and employees participating in proceedings before the Board of Labor Relations.
(3) Uses to be made of Personal Data: (A) Personal data is used by the Agent, Assistant Agent, Board Members and General Counsel for the purposes stated in subdivision (1) (D) of this subsection. Decisions are distributed regularly and systematically to the general public. Case files (closed and active) and made available to the general public, unless disclosure is prohibited by law.(B) Record Retention: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(t)Board of Labor Relations-Administrative and Mailing Address Files(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: Administrative and Mailing Address Records
(B) Location of System: State Board of Labor Relations
Connecticut Labor Department 200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Combination or Manual: Manual
(D) General Nature and Purpose of System:(i) Administrative files relating to Board members, including appointment and reappointment letters and copies of vouchers for per diem payments.(ii) Mailing address files are utilized for proper routing of correspondence to unions, employers and attorneys having frequent dealings with the Board.(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Board Agent, Board of Labor Relations
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: (ii) Unions, Employers, Attorneys(G) Legal Authority for Collection, Maintenance and Use:(i) Board Member administrative files-Section 31-102 of the General Statutes(ii) Mailing Address files: Sections 5-270 to 5-280, Sections 7-460 to 7-479
Sections 10-153a to 10-156d and Sections 31-101 to 31-111b of the General Statutes.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Personal Data maintained may include the following:(i) Agency correspondence(iii) Board member appointment and reappointment letters(iv) Board members' payment vouchers(B) Other data maintained may include: Names, addresses and telephone numbers of Board members, and employers, union officials and attorneys dealing frequently with the Board.
(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained:(ii) Employers, unions and attorneys dealing frequently with the Board(3) Uses to be made of Personal Data: (A) Personal data is used by the Agent, Assistant Agents, Board Members and General Counsel for the purposes stated in subdivision (1) (D) of this subsection.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(u)Board of Mediation and Arbitration(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: Case Records-Board of Mediation and Arbitration, arbitration/awards and Fact-Finding Reports
(B) Location of System: Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) General Nature and Purpose: (i) Active case records contain information gathered by arbitrators, fact-finders and mediators by investigations and/or formal hearings. Needed for investigation, mediation, settlement, administrative adjudication and/or court litigation of grievance arbitration, interest arbitration, fact-finding and mediation cases.(ii) Closed case records are retained for use in future related cases which may arise between the same parties(iii) Grievance arbitration awards, fact-finding reports and interest arbitration awards contain information obtained from participants at formal hearings and are needed for guidance of parties and arbitrators in future cases.(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Board Administrator
Board of Mediation and Arbitration
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Arbitrators, mediators, fact-finders, investigations, participants at formal hearings.
(G) Legal Authority for Collection, Maintenance and Use: Section 31-91 to 31-100 of the General Statutes
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Personal data maintained may include the following:(B) Other data maintained may include: (ii) Social security numbers(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Employers and employees participating in proceedings before the Board of Mediation and Arbitration
(3) Use to be made of Personal Data: (A) Routine use of records Personal data is used by employees of the Board of Mediation and Arbitration, mediators, arbitrators and fact-finders for the purposes stated in subdivision (1) (d) of this subsection.
(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention Schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(v)Board of Mediation and Arbitration-Administrative and Mailing Address files(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: Administrative and Mailing Address Records
(B) Location of System: Board of Mediation and Arbitration
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Combination or Manual: Combination
(D) General Nature and Purpose: (i) Administrative files relating to Board members, including records of appointments and payments.(ii) Mailing address files are utilized for proper routing of correspondence to unions, employers and attorneys having frequent dealings with the Board.(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Board Administrator
Board of Mediation and Arbitration
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: (ii) Unions, employers, attorneys(G) Legal Authority for Collection, Maintenance and Use: Section 31-91 to 31-100 of the General Statutes
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Personal data maintained may include the following:(i) Agency correspondence(iii) Board member appointment and reappointment letters(iv) Board Members' payment vouchers(B) Other data maintained may include: Names, addresses and telephone numbers of Board members and employers, union officials and attorneys dealing frequently with the Board.
(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained:(ii) Employers, unions and attorneys dealing frequently with the Board(3) Uses to be made of Personal Data: (A) Personal data is maintained by employees of the Board of Mediation and Arbitration, mediators, arbitrators and fact-finders for the purposes stated in subdivision (1) (D) of this subsection.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(w)Regulation of Wages(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Regulation of Wages Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Manual
(D) General Nature or Purpose: Records are maintained of wage and hour investigations, non-payment of wage investigations and prevailing wage investigations of state and municipal public works projects for the purpose of providing information relating to compliance by employers with all wage and hour payment and prevailing wage rate laws.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director of Regulation of Wages
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Personal Data: Employees and employers.
(G) Legal Authority for Collection, Maintenance and Use: Sections 31-59 through 31-76a of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) The following categories of personal data are maintained: (B) The following categories of other data may be maintained: (i) Names of employers and employees(ii) Addresses of employer and employees(iii) Telephone numbers of employers and employees(iv) Social Security numbers of employers and employees(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: (3) Uses to be made of the Personal Data: (A) The entire staff of the Regulation of Wages Division uses the personal data for the purposes stated in subdivision (1) (D) of this subsection.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(x)Office of Job Training and Skill Development-Apprentice Registration(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data/System:(A) Name of System: Apprentice Registration Records
(B) Location of System: Office of Job Training and Skill Development
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) General Nature and Purpose: Apprentice Registration records are maintained for the purpose of keeping a record of sponsors and apprentices.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director, Office of Job Training and Skill Development
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine sources of data: Apprentice, sponsor, trainer, school
(G) Legal Authority for Collection, Maintenance and Use: Sections 31-51a through 31-51e of the General Statutes inclusive.
(2) Categories of Personal Data:(A) Personal data maintained may include the following:(iii) Trade experience credit(B) Other data maintained may include the following:(vi) Social Security number(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Apprentices, sponsors, trainers(3) Use to be made of Personal Data: (A) All employees assigned to the Office of Job Training and Skill Development use the personal data for the purposes stated in subdivision (1) (D) of this subsection.(B) Record Retention: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(y)Occupational Safety and Health (CONN-OSHA)(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: CONN-OSHA Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) General Nature and Purpose: CONN-OSHA records are maintained for the purpose of retaining names and locations of safety and health inspections, consultations, education and training records, complaints, accidents, catastrophe-fatalities investigations, record keeping, statistics for the betterment of the program.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director of CONN-OSHA/Working Conditions
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Personal Data: Employees, unions, employers, management officials of municipalities, commissioners of state agencies, commissions.
(G) Legal Authority for Collection, Maintenance: Section 31-374 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) The following categories of personal data may be maintained in the CONN-OSHA records: (ii) Records of complaints(iii) Establishment inspection history(iv) Consultation history(v) Review commission decisions(vi) Correspondence from management officials(vii) Statements from employees(B) The following categories of other data may be maintained in the CONN-OSHA records: (ii) Address-business and residence(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained:(3) Use to be made of the Personal Data: (A) OSHA records may be used by the Director, Assistant Director, Secretary, Investigators, Consultants and Staff Assistants for the purposes stated in subdivision (1) (D) of this subsection.(B) OSHA records may be used for keeping a record of employers' inspection histories, names of witnesses and employees to substantiate alleged hazards documented by inspectors, names and locations of consultations, and in order to keep a record of those attending training sessions.(C) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(z)Working Conditions Records(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data: (A) Name of System: Working Conditions Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Manual
(D) General Nature and Purpose: Working conditions records are maintained to comply with State statutes in determining an individual's qualifications to operate a private employment agency; to ensure that industrial commercial establishments that operate health facilities for employees provide for reasonable standards of health, safety and comfort for the employees utilizing the facility; inspection of locations and observations of establishments concerned with the employment of minors; complaint investigations and reports relating to General Statutes concerning working conditions.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Director of CONN-OSHA/Working Conditions
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Employment agencies; corporations; law enforcement agencies; schools and establishments employing minors.
(G) Legal Authority for Collection, Maintenance and Use: Sections 31-129 to 31-134, 31-14 to 31-18, 31-23, 31-51, 31-71(f) of the General Statutes.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Personal data maintained may include the following:(i) Affidavits of character(ii) Application for private employment agency license(vi) Investigations and reports relating to the General Statutes(viii) Previous employment histories(B) Other data maintained may include the following: (vii) Social security number(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: Employers and employees(3) Uses to be made of Personal Data: (A) Working Conditions records may be used by the Director, Assistant Director, Secretary, Investigator and Staff Assistants for evaluating the qualifications of those applying for licensing or private employment agencies, to process reports and forms as required, keeping an account of investigations of complaints which do not fall under the aegis of OSHA, Regulations of Wages, Labor Relations or Mediation and Arbitration.(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(aa)Business Records-Payroll(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Payroll Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) Purpose: (i) Preparing and providing a history of payroll(ii) Budgeting and personnel planning and evaluation(iv) Reporting-State and Federal(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Chief Fiscal Officer
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Employee, previous employers of the employee, the employee's supervisor, attendance sheets, contracts, the Comptroller's Office, Department of Administrative Services, Division of Personnel and Labor Relations, & State insurance carriers
(G) Legal Authority: State Personnel Act (Connecticut General Statutes Section 5-193 et seq.)
(2) Categories of Personal Data:(A) Categories of Personal Data(i) Financial information such as longevity payments, compensation plan, payroll and deductions(ii) Employment information such as starting date, attendance information, vacation, sick and personal leave days accrued and used, title of position(B) Categories of Other Data: Name, address, employee number, social security number, date of birth, telephone number, marital status, insurance and retirement information, salary records, job class and bargaining unit, military service, garnishment of wages and payments related to garnishments, contracts, correspondence regarding deferred compensation/tax shelter annuity payroll deduction programs
(C) Categories of persons for whom records are maintained: All current and former Labor Department employees
(3) Uses to be made of Personal Data:(A) Routine Use of Records: (i) Plan payroll and calculate budgets(ii) Process promotions, reclassifications, transfers to another state agency and retirement(iii) Assist in evaluation performance and other personnel functions(iv) Maintain personnel documents required by the State Personnel Division, Office of the Comptroller, Group Insurance Carriers, and any other legitimate entity(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(bb)Business Records-Accounts Payable/Purchasing(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System:(A) Name of System: Accounts Payable/Purchasing Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Manual
(D) Purpose:(i) Process employee travel reimbursement(ii) Process payment to vendors for services(iii) Payment of monthly rents and any contractual services(E) Title and Business Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Chief Fiscal Officer
Connecticut Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Blvd.
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Employee, vendors, contracts
(G) Legal Authority for collection, maintenance and use: Section 3-112, Section 3-114, Section 4-109 through 4-124 inclusive, Section 31-237(b), Section 31-250 and Section 31-259 of the General Statutes.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of Personal Data (i) Automobile insurance information(iii) Lease Agreements reflecting financial information on property costs(B) Categories of Other Data: Names of insurance companies, employees, vendors and their addresses, amount and dates of coverage, Federal identification numbers, social security numbers, job class & bargaining unit, class codes, telephone numbers, complaints regarding a vendor's service and/or delivery, bidding data
(C) Categories of Persons for whom records are maintained: Current and former Labor Department employees, vendors, landlords(3) Uses to be made of Personal Data (A) Routine Use of Records: (i) Process employee travel reimbursement(ii) Process payment to vendors for services(iii) Pay monthly rents and any contractual services to vendors that are stated in the lease agreement(iv) Maintain documents required by State Personnel Division, Office of the Comptroller, and any other legitimate entity(B) Retention Schedule: Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
(cc)Personnel Records(1) General Nature and Purpose of Personal Data System: (A) Name of System: Personnel Records
(B) Location of System: Connecticut Labor Department
Personnel Services
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(C) Automated, Manual or Combination: Combination
(D) Purpose: Personnel records are maintained for the purpose of retaining payroll, health, discipline and related personnel information concerning the Connecticut State Labor Department's employees.
(E) Title and Address of Official Responsible for the System of Records and To Whom Requests for Disclosure or Amendment of the Records in the System Should be Made: Personnel Administrator
Connecticut State Labor Department
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
(F) Routine Sources of Data: Routine sources for information retained in personnel records generally include the employee, previous employers of the employee, references provided by applicants, the employee's supervisor, the Comptroller's Office, Department of Administrative Services, Division of Personnel and Labor Relations, and State insurance carriers.
(G) Legal Authority: Personal data in personnel records is collected, maintained and used under authority of the State Personnel Act, Connecticut General Statutes No. 5-193 et seq.
(2) Categories of Personal Data: (A) Categories of personal data (i) Medical or emotional condition or history(ii) Criminal or police investigative records(iii) Investigative records from other jurisdictions(iv) Personal Data record sheets that are reviewed and updated periodically by individual employees(B) Categories of other data: (iii) Educational records(iv) Social Security numbers(vii) Insurance and retirement information(x) Other reference records(C) Categories of Persons for Whom Records are Maintained: Personnel records are maintained on current and former employees of the Connecticut State Labor Department and applicants for employment with the Connecticut State Labor Department.
(3) Uses to be Made of Personal Data: (A) Routine Use of Records Employees of the Connecticut State Labor Department who are assigned personnel and payroll responsibilities use the personal data contained in the department's personnel records in processing promotions, reclassifications, transfers to another agency, retirement, and other personnel actions. Supervisors use the personal data when promotion, career counseling, or disciplinary action against such employee is contemplated, and for other employment-related purposes.
(B) Retention Schedule Records are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedules approved by the Public Records Administratoras authorized by Section 11-8a of the C.G.S. Retention schedules are on file at the Connecticut Labor Department, 200 Folly Brook Boulevard, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 and may be examined during normal working hours.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 31-250-2