The coordinated water system plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(2) An areawide supplement that shall address areawide water system concerns pertaining to the public water supply management area which are not otherwise included in each water company's individual water system plan. The areawide supplement consists of a water supply assessment, exclusive service area boundaries, integrated report, and executive summary. The areawide supplement shall include at least the following: (A)Water Supply AssessmentA water supply assessment shall be developed to evaluate water supply conditions and problems within the public water supply management area. The WUCC shall prepare a preliminary and then a final water supply assessment. The water supply assessment shall be a factual and concise report including at least the followng topics as they relate to public water systems in the public water supply management area:
(i) Description of existing water systems, including (aa) History of water quality, reliability, service, and supply adequacy;(bb) General fire fighting capability of the utilities; and(cc) Identification of major facilities which need to be expanded, altered, or replaced.(ii) Availability and adequacy of any future water source(s).(iii) Existing service area boundaries and public water system limits established by statute, special act or administrative decision, including a map of established boundaries, and identification of systems without boundaries.(iv) Present and projected growth rates, including population data, land use patterns and trends, and identification of lands available for development.(v) Status of water system planning, land use planning and coordination between public water systems.(B)Exclusive Service Area BoundariesBased on the final water supply assessment, the WUCC shall establish exclusive service area boundaries within the management area delineating each public water system's future service area. The WUCC shall prepare preliminary and then final exclusive service area boundaries.
(i) In establishing exclusive service area boundaries, the WUCC shall:(aa) Allow utilities to maintain existing service areas;(bb) Not leave areas as unserviced islands, unless it can be demonstrated that there is not and will be no future need for public water service; and(cc) Not allow new service areas or main extensions which create duplication or overlap of services.(ii) The following factors shall be utilized in determining exclusive service area boundaries:(aa) Existing water service area;(bb) Land use plans, zoning regulations, and growth trends;(cc) Physical limitations to water service;(dd) Political boundaries;(ee) Water company rights as established by statute, special act or administrative decisions;(ff) System hydraulics, including potential elevations or pressure zones; and(gg) Ability of a water system to provide a pure and adequate supply of water now and into the future.(iii) A plan for exclusive service areas within the public water supply management area shall be developed, including: (aa) A map or maps at a scale of 1:50,000 depicting existing and future service areas within the exclusive service area boundaries.(bb) A reference list of existing service area or supply agreements between public water systems or localities, including charter or enabling act revisions as applicable and a brief description of terms of agreement including dates and length of agreement.(cc) Description of future service area boundaries.(C)Integrated ReportAn integrated report shall be developed which provides an overview of individual public water systems within the management area; addresses areawide water supply issues, concerns, and needs; and promotes cooperation among public water systems.
The integrated report shall contain at least the following:
(i) An areawide overview which integrates individual water system plans. This should include at least the following:(aa) Population and consumption projections for 5, 20 and 50 year planning periods for the public water supply management area as a whole and for each municipality within the area.(bb) Projected population, historical and projected water demand by user category for 5, 20 and 50 year planning periods for each public water system's exclusive service area and for the combined service areas.(cc) Sources of supply, safe yield and amounts of purchased water available for 5, 20, and 50 year planning periods for each public water system's exclusive service area and for the combined service areas.(dd) Determination of the amount and percentage of projected population within each muncipality within the public water supply management area to be serviced by public water supplies for 5, 20 and 50 year planning periods.(ee) Identification of areas not within exclusive service area boundaries and discussion of water supply alternatives. Attention should be given to existing and potential water quality problems, supply availability, population projections, and development potential.(ii) Discussion of the relationship and compatibility of the coordinated water system plan with proposed or adopted land use plans and growth policies, as reflected in local, regional and state plans. Consideration should be given to both protection and development of public water supply sources and to availability of public water service.(iii) Evaluation and identification in priority order of alternative water sources recommended to supply future areawide water system needs. Include appropriate ground or surface water studies, safe yield estimates and arrangement for development and delivery of the water supply.(iv) Plans for any necessary interconnection of both raw and treated water between public water systems for both daily and emergency water supply use, which shall include: (aa) A list and description of existing and future interconnections. Specify legal, technical and financial requirements for use and any source, hydraulic or contractual limitations for use. Identify source of supply, size, location, operating controls and management. Include a schedule for facility development, noting limitations to proposed development, and a schedule for negotiation of any new contract or renewal for sale or purchase of water.(bb) Assessment of the need for and impact of potential interconnections between public water supply systems within the management area and with adjacent public water supply management areas.(cc) Discussion and assessment of water quality compatibility between interconnections.(v) A plan for joint use, management or ownership of services, equipment, or facilities, including: (aa) A list of existing and planned shared or joint use facilities, together with documentation from the utilities involved outlining limitations on and arrangements and schedules for development, use, operation, and maintenance of such facilities.(bb) Identification of services and equipment which could be made available to other utilities such as but not limited to leak detection and repair, and emergency equipment.(vi) A plan for satellite management or transfer of ownership which shall include: (aa) Identification of utilities which have both the ability and willingness to assume satellite management of another system or systems, whether within or outside the public water supply management area, and a map identifying areas within which the respective utilities will provide satellite management.(bb) Identification of public water systems willing to have satellite management provided by another utility, or willing to transfer ownership to another utility.(cc) Development of a water system satellite management program and schedule for its implementation.(vii) Provisions for minimum design standards applicable to all water system improvements and all new public water systems within the management area. Any minimum design standard established by a WUCC shall be at least as stringent as those standards recognized by the department.(viii) Presentation of financial data as related to areawide issues such as interconnections, shared or joint use facilities, regional projects, and information not included in individual water system plans.(ix) Consideration of the potential impacts of the plan on other uses of water resources, including water quality, flood management, recreation, hydropower, and aquatic habitat issues.(D)Executive SummaryAn executive summary shall be prepared by the WUCC to serve as an abbreviated overview of the coordinated water system plan for the public water supply management area. It shall be factual and concise, and shall summarize the major elements of the coordinated water system plan. The executive summary shall contain at least the following items:
(i) Maps at a scale of 1:50,000 of existing and potential service areas within exclusive service area boundaries identified in subdivision (d) (2) (B).(ii) Maps at a scale of 1:50,000 of existing and future sources of public water supply, including watersheds, reservoirs, wells, stream diversions, treatment facilities, and shared or joint-use facilities including interconnections.(iii) A brief summary of the water supply assessment for the public water supply management area.(iv) A summary table of current and projected population, water demand by user category, and safe yield of existing and potential sources of supply for each exclusive service area and the public water supply management area as a whole.(v) A brief summary of plans for interconnections, joint use facilities, and satellite management.(vi) A summary of the potential impact of the coordinated water system plan on other uses of water resources.(vii) Pertinent financial information.(viii) Other factors deemed relevant.(ix) A copy of the table of contents and lists of figures, tables, and maps contained in the full coordinated water system plan.