As used in this chapter.
The following terms shall, for purpose of Sections 22-64-26 through 22-64-30, inclusive have the following meanings, unless expressly stated otherwise:
(a)Tenant: A corporation, partnership or individual to which the Authority is presently engaged in a lease agreement.(b)Authority: The Connecticut Marketing Authority.(c)Vacancy: Any action by a tenant which the Authority deems to be termination or modification in use of premises including, but not limited to; quitting possession, violation of the Authority's lease terms, transfer of ownership, a change of company name or a significant underutilization of the leased premises.(d)Farmer: One who is actually engaged in growing farm products on land owned or leased by him.(e)Jobber: One who buys produce and agricultural products for resale on the market.(f)Seller: Farmer, jobber or employee of farmer or jobber or other person selling produce or agricultural products on the market.(g)Farmer's market: Area at the regional market at Hartford set aside for farmers, jobbers and sellers to sell their produce and agricultural products.(h)Fee schedule: Fees established pursuant to Section 22-64-29 of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.(i)Open Stall: Area 12 feet by 30 feet designated by assigned numbers and marked off by lines, similar to a parking space.(j)Covered stall: An open stall adjacent to a covered public walk area.(k)Board: Refers to the Connecticut Marketing Authority Board.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 22-64-26