Section 21a-326-1 - Definitions(a) "Abuse or Excessive Use of Drugs" means the personal use of controlled substances by a practitioner or other registrant in such dosage and frequency not warranted by an existing medical condition or use of controlled substances solely for a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect which use is not within the medical consensus or stated in the medical literature as acceptable or proper.(b) "Controlled Substance Schedules" means the grouping of drugs, schedules 1 through 5, as delineated in Section 21a-242 of Chapter 420b, Connecticut General Statutes or in regulations promulgated under the Code of Federal Regulation. Any particular controlled substance shall be deemed to be in the schedule wherein such controlled substance appears by its chemical or generic name within Sec. 21a-242 of Chapter 420b, Connecticut General Statutes or in regulations promulgated under the Code of Federal Regulation.(c) "Course of Professional Practice" means the limitation of prescribing, dispensing, or administering of controlled substances for professional treatment authorized pursuant to regulations and/or statutes of the appropriate state licensing authority under which situations there must be a bona fide practitioner-patient relationship. The prescribing or dispensing of controlled substances for patients, friends, relatives, associates, and/or employees wherein a bona fide practitioner-patient relationship does not exist or wherein the practitioner has not medically evaluated the need for controlled substances shall not be considered to be in the "course of professional practice."(d) "Effective Controls Against Diversion" means the implementation of the following controls on a regular basis necessary for the prevention of diversion of controlled substances: (1) Prescribing, dispensing, or administering of controlled substances only after a proper medical evaluation.(2) Maintaining of controlled substance record keeping and security requirements pursuant to Chapter 420b of the Connecticut General Statutes.(3) Providing for adequate security of prescription blanks to prevent thefts and/or illegal use.(4) Regular monitoring of patient(s) conditions in instances wherein continued or prolonged treatment with controlled substances is indicated.(5) Refraining from knowingly prescribing controlled substances for persons abusing such controlled substances and/or using such controlled substances for purposes of maintenance of drug dependency unless pursuant to state and federal regulations pertaining to treatment of drug dependent persons.(6) Compliance with all state and federal statutes and regulations concerning controlled substances.(e) "Therapeutic or Other Proper Medical or Scientific Purposes" means the following: (1) The prescribing, dispensing, or administering of a controlled substance for treatment of a specific disease or medical condition, recognized by medical consensus and/or stated in the literature of the manufacturers of the controlled subtances as being the purposes for which the controlled substance is intended.(2) Investigational use of a controlled substance by a researcher or scientist wherein documentation of necessity of use of such controlled substances is maintained.(f) "Legend drug" is any article, substance, preparation or device which bears the legend: "CAUTION: FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS DISPENSING WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION."Conn. Agencies Regs. § 21a-326-1