Occupational Licensing
- Section 20-332-1 - Definitions
- Section 20-332-2 - Licenses issued by the electrical work examining board
- Section 20-332-3 - Licenses issued by the elevator installation, repair and maintenance work examining board
- Section 20-332-3a - Licensing of accessibility contractors and journeymen
- Section 20-332-4 - Licenses issued by the plumbing and piping work examining board
- Section 20-332-5 - Licenses issued by the state board of heating, piping, cooling, and sheet metal work examiners
- Section 20-332-6 to 20-332-7 - Repealed
- Section 20-332-6a - Licenses issued by the state board of fire protection sprinkler systems work
- Section 20-332-7a - Licensed categories not defined. Persons licensed in other trades
- Section 20-332-8 - Application for examination
- Section 20-332-9 to 20-332-12 - Repealed
- Section 20-332-9a - Schools
- Section 20-332-10a - Issuance of license
- Section 20-332-11a - Failure to qualify
- Section 20-332-12a - Examinations
- Section 20-332-13 - Renewal of license
- Section 20-332-14 to 20-332-15 - Repealed
- Section 20-332-14a - Special trades
- Section 20-332-15a - Employment of apprentices
- Section 20-332-16 - Prohibited acts. Records. Lettering on commercial vehicles
- Section 20-332-17 - Failure to offer services after submitting letter of intent. Surrender of contractor's license. Reinstatement
- Section 20-332-18 to 20-332-20 - Repealed
- Section 20-332-18a - Grounds for suspension or revocation of a license
- Section 20-332-19a - Reinstatement of license-rehearing of petition for reinstatement
- Section 20-332-20a - Fees
- Section 20-332-21 - Repealed
- Section 20-332-21a - Reciprocity