Section 19a-36-A2 - List of reportable diseases and laboratory findingsThe commissioner shall issue a list of reportable diseases and laboratory findings within sixty days of the effective date of these regulations, on the next January 1, and annually thereafter. The list shall show it is the current list and shall specify its effective date. This list shall also include but not be limited to the reporting category of each disease, procedures for the reporting, and minimum investigation and control measures for each disease. Listed diseases are declared reportable diseases as of the effective date of approval by the commissioner.
(a) The commissioner in consultation with the state epidemiologist will annually review the existing list and develop recommendations for deletions or additions to the list.(b) The state epidemiologist or other commissioner designee shall convene and chair an advisory committee to review the recommendations for any changes to the list prior to preparing the final list for that year. This committee shall make recommendations to the commissioner regarding the contents of the list.(c) The commissioner shall review the advisory committee's recommendations and make final deletions or additions to the list to take effect January 1 of the next year. He will furnish copies of the list before January 1 to the following: (1) physicians licensed by the department;(2) directors of clinical laboratories licensed, registered or approved by the department;(3) local directors of health in Connecticut;(4) health care facilities licensed under Chapter 368v of the Connecticut General Statutes.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-36-A2
Effective October 25, 1989