Section 19a-36-A10 - Presumably exposed persons may be examined and controlledThe local director of health, when he has reasonable grounds to believe that a person or persons may have been exposed to a communicable disease, may control such persons as known contacts and may make such examinations and adopt such measures as he deems necessary and proper for the protection of the public health and the prevention of the spread of disease.
(1) The conviction of any person for any offense involving sexual promiscuity or illicit sex relations shall constitute reasonable grounds for the local director of health to believe that that person may have been exposed to a communicable disease and shall justify the examination and such other measures of control of that individual as are deemed necessary and proper by the state department of health for the protection of public health and the prevention of spreading of disease.(2) The warden or other person in charge of any prison or jail in the state shall notify the prison or jail physician, in writing, within twenty-four hours upon the receipt of a prisoner who may have been exposed to a communicable disease and of every prisoner who has been convicted of any offense involving sexual promiscuity or illicit sex relations. A routine medical examination shall be made on every prisoner whose conviction involves sexual promiscuity or illicit sex relations. Such routine medical examination shall include the taking of a blood specimen for serological test for syphilis and the taking of three smears for gonococci taken not less than twenty-four hours apart and, if the prisoner is found to be infected, treatment shall be instituted as necessary. The tests referred to above shall be performed in the bureau of laboratories of the state department of health or in a laboratory specifically approved for these purposes by the state department of health, and they shall be performed in a manner that meets the approval of the state department of health. Upon the expiration of a sentence, any person having syphilis or gonococcal infection, whether in an infectious or non-infectious stage, and in need of further followup treatment shall be reported to the state department of health by the attending physician, who shall give the name, sex, age and marital status and a record of the treatment given while such person was imprisoned.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-36-A10
Effective October 25, 1989