Section 19a-2a-16 - Personnel data system(a)General nature and purpose(1) Location. Personnel records for employees of the department are maintained at 150 Washington Street, Hartford, Connecticut.(2) Format. Personal data is stored in the personnel data system in both automated and manual form.(3) Purpose. The purpose of the personnel data system is to carry out the personnel and payroll responsibilities of the department in a manner consistent with the state's prescribed policies and procedures.(4) Official responsible. Personnel records are the responsibility of the Personnel Administrator, 150 Washington Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Requests for disclosure or amendment of the records in the system should be directed to this official.(5) Routine sources. Personal data in the personnel data system is routinely obtained from: (C) the Comptroller's Office;(H) previous employers of employees;(I) the Department of Administrative Services, Division of Personnel; and(J) references supplied by applicants.(6) Legal authority. The legal authority for the collection, maintenance and use of the personal data in the system is Connecticut General Statutes, Sections 5-193 through 5-269.(b)Categories(1) The categories of personal data maintained by the personnel data system include, but are not necessarily limited to:(D) social security number;(H) labor relations and union related data.(2) The category of other data maintained by the personnel data system includes but is not necessarily limited to a history of who has worked within each position.(3) Categories of people upon whom personnel records are maintained are: (B) applicants for employment; and(c)Uses(1) Routine uses (A) Users. The personnel data system is used by the department's personnel and payroll offices and the department's administration.(B) Purpose. The personnel data system is used for:(i) ensuring that applicants for employment meet prescribed qualifications; and(ii) ensuring that candidates for promotion meet prescribed qualifications.(2) Retention. Records for each personal data system are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedule as approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by section 11-8a of the Connecticut General Statutes. Retention schedules shall be maintained on file at the office of the official responsible for the data system and may be examined during normal business hours.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-2a-16
Adopted effective August 24, 1995