Section 19a-2a-11 - Healthy start data system(a)General nature and purpose(1) Location. The healthy start data system is located at 999 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.(2) Format. Personal data is stored in the healthy start system in both automated and manual forms.(3) Purpose. The purpose of the healthy start data system is to:(A) maintain data regarding the provision of services in the program;(B) monitor program accountability;(C) carry out program evaluation; and(D) apply for federal financial participation.(4) Official responsible. The director, maternal and infant health division, is located at 999 Asylum Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut and is the official responsible for the healthy start data system. Requests for disclosure or amendment of the records in the system should be directed to this official.(5) Routine sources. Personal data in the healthy start data system is routinely obtained from local grantees providing services to women, infants, and children.(6) Legal authority. Collection, maintenance and use of personal data in the healthy start data system is authorized by the Connecticut General Statutes, Sections 19a-59 and 19a-59b.(b)Categories(1) The categories of personal data maintained by the healthy start data system include, but are not necessarily limited to:(B) Medicaid eligibility status;(C) social security number;(E) Medicaid identification number;(G) Hispanic origin information;(H) WIC eligibility status;(K) WIC identification number;(M) discharge information; and(2) There are no categories of other data collected.(3) The category of persons on whom records are maintained is all healthy start program participants.(c)Uses(1) Routine uses (A) Users. The healthy start data system is used by department program staff and grantee agencies.(B) Purpose. The healthy start data system is used to:(i) determine eligibility;(ii) document individuals' case management and the liaison services provided;(iii) study the effect of prenatal care upon pregnancy outcome; and(iv) evaluate grantee performance.(2) Retention. Records for each personal data system are maintained in accordance with schedules prepared by the Connecticut State Library, Department of Public Records Administration and records retention schedule as approved by the Public Records Administrator as authorized by section 11-8a of the Connecticut General Statutes. Retention schedules shall be maintained on file at the office of the official responsible for the data system and may be examined during normal business hours.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-2a-11
Adopted effective August 24, 1995