Section 19a-401-28 - Personal data(a) The following definitions shall apply to sections 19a-401-28 to 19a-401-32, inclusive: (1) "Category of Personal Data" means the classifications of personal information set forth in the Personal Data Act, Connecticut General Statutes section 4-190(9).(2) "Commission" means the Commission on Medicolegal Investigations.(3) "Office" means the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.(4) "Other Data" means any information that because of name, identification number, mark or description can be readily associated with a particular person.(5) "Personal Data Act" means the provisions of Chapter 55 of the Connecticut General Statutes.(6) "State Personnel Act" means the provisions of Chapter 67 of the Connecticut General Statutes.(b) Definitions contained in Connecticut General Statutes section 4-190 shall apply to sections 19a-401-28 to 19a-401-32, inclusive.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-401-28
Adopted effective February 2, 2004