Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-643-206

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 19a-643-206 - Annual reporting and twelve months actual filing
(a)Applicability to hospitals:
(1) Each acute care general or children's hospital subject to the provisions of section 19a-644(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes shall report to the office by February 28th of each year with respect to its operations for the most recently completed fiscal year in such form as the office may require; and
(2) Each specialty hospital subject to the provisions of section 19a-644(d) of the Connecticut General Statutes shall report to the office by the end of the fifth month after the hospital's fiscal year ending date. The specialty hospital shall submit audited financial statements that are general purpose financial statements, which express the unqualified opinion of an independent certified public accounting firm for the most recently completed fiscal year for the hospital, or audited consolidated financial statements for the hospital's parent corporation and consolidating financial statements that at a minimum contain a balance sheet and statement of operations and that provide a breakout of the hospital's and each affiliate's numbers with a report of independent accountants on other financial information.
(b)Content of Annual Reporting: The hospital's annual report for the most recently completed fiscal year shall consist of the following required information components to be submitted annually to the office by February 28th in accordance with sections 19a-509b(f), 19a-644, 19a-649 and 19a-673c of the Connecticut General Statutes:
(1) Audited financial statements that are general purpose financial statements, which express the unqualified opinion of an independent certified public accounting firm for the most recently completed fiscal year for the hospital, each of its affiliates except for those affiliates that were inactive or that had an immaterial amount of total assets, and the hospital's parent corporation that include the following:
(A) A separately bound original submitted by an independent certified public accounting firm and also a PDF version in Adobe Acrobat of all audited financial statements submitted;
(B) A note in the hospital's audited financial statements that identifies individual amounts for the hospital's gross patient revenue, allowances, charity care and net patient revenue;
(C) Audited consolidated financial statements for hospitals with subsidiaries and consolidating financial statements that at a minimum contain a balance sheet and statement of operations and that provide a breakout of the hospital's and each subsidiary's numbers with a report of independent accountants on other financial information; and
(D) Audited consolidated financial statements for the hospital's parent corporation and consolidating financial statements that at a minimum contain a balance sheet and statement of operations and that provide a breakout of the hospital's and each affiliate's numbers with a report of independent accountants on other financial information;
(2) The Medicare cost report for the most recently completed fiscal year, as filed in electronic media format, and any final audited Medicare cost reports for prior fiscal years submitted on paper, which have not been previously submitted to the office;
(3) The most recent legal chart of corporate structure including the hospital, each of its affiliates and subsidiaries and its parent corporation, duly dated;
(4) Separate current lists of officers and directors for the hospital, each of its affiliates and its parent corporation as of the February 28th annual reporting submission date;
(5) A report that identifies by purpose, the ending fund balances of the net assets of the hospital and each affiliate as of the close of the most recently completed fiscal year, distinguishing between donor permanently restricted, donor temporarily restricted, board restricted and unrestricted fund balances. The hospital's interest in its foundation shall be deducted from the foundation's total fund balance;
(6) A report that identifies all transactions between the hospital and each of its affiliates during the most recently completed fiscal year including, but not limited to, the amount of any transfers of funds, transfers of assets, and sales/purchases of services or commodities, and all transactions between affiliates;
(7) A report that identifies all expenditures incurred by each affiliate for the benefit of the hospital, e.g., subsidized housing for staff, during the most recently completed fiscal year, and the amount of any such expenditures;
(8) A report that identifies all commitments or endorsements entered into by the hospital for the benefit of each affiliate;
(9) The total number of discharges and the related number of patient days by town of origin, based on zip code and diagnostic category for the most recently completed fiscal year accounting for 100 percent of total discharges and related patient days;
(10) The average length of stay and length of stay range by diagnostic category, age grouping and expected payer source;
(11) The total number of discharges to a residence, a home health agency, another hospital, a skilled nursing facility, an intermediate care facility and to all other locations;
(12) The total number of inpatient surgical procedures by diagnosis, principal surgical procedure and age grouping with the related number of cases and patient days;
(13) Outpatient surgical procedures including ambulatory surgery by principal surgical procedure and age grouping with the related number of cases. For purposes of this section, ambulatory surgery is defined as surgical patient admissions discharged prior to the midnight census on the day of admission after the patient has undergone a surgical procedure requiring the use of a fully equipped operating room, i.e. one equipped to administer general anesthesia, whether or not the patient is admitted to a discrete ambulatory or same day surgery unit;
(14) Case mix and revenue support schedules in a format acceptable to the office. Case mix shall be reported by identifying the number of discharges in each DRG. Revenue support schedules shall include identification of gross charges by payer classification for each DRG;
(15) Information concerning uncompensated care that includes a copy of the hospital's policies and procedures related to charity care and bad debts that were in effect for the hospital's most recently completed fiscal year;
(16) A report identifying all donations and funds, which are or have been restricted for the care of indigent patients at the end of the most recently completed fiscal year. The report shall include, but is not limited to, information which identifies the principal balance and all earned income for the previous year, as well as, projected interest income expected to be earned during the current fiscal year;
(17) A report from each hospital that holds or administers one or more hospital bed funds that is maintained and annually compiled by the hospital for the most recently completed fiscal year, and that is permanently retained by the hospital and, upon the office's request, provides the following fiscal year information:
(A) the number of applications for hospital bed funds;
(B) the number of patients receiving hospital bed fund grants and the actual amounts provided to each patient from such funds;
(C) the fair market value of the principal of each individual hospital bed fund, or the principal attributable to each bed fund if held in a pooled investment;
(D) the total earnings for each hospital bed fund or the earnings attributable to each hospital bed fund;
(E) the dollar amount of earnings reinvested as principal, if any; and
(F) the dollar amount of earnings available for patient care;
(18) A report that provides the following hospital debt collection information:
(a) whether the hospital uses a collection agent to assist with debt collection;
(b) the name of any collection agent used by the hospital;
(c) the hospital's processes and policies for assigning a debt to a collection agent and for compensating such collection agent for services rendered, and
(d) the recovery rate on accounts assigned to collection agents, exclusive of Medicare accounts, for the hospital's most recently completed fiscal year;
(19) A report listing the salaries and fringe benefits for the ten highest paid positions in the hospital. Each position shall be identified by its complete, unabbreviated title. Fringe benefits shall include all forms of compensation whether actual or deferred, made to or on behalf of the employee whether full or part-time. Fringe benefits shall include but not be limited to the following:
(A) The cost to the hospital of all health, life, disability or other insurance or benefit plans;
(B) The cost of any employer payments or liability to employee retirement plans or programs;
(C) The cost or value of any bonus, incentive or longevity plans not included under normal salary reporting guidelines;
(D) The cost or value of any housing, whether in the form of a house, apartment, condominium, dormitory or room of any type, whether full-time or only available for part-time use, if subsidized in full or in part by the hospital and not located directly within a hospital building offering direct patient care;
(E) The fair market value of any office space, furnishings, telephone service, support service staff, support service equipment, billing or collection services or similar benefits provided to any person for use when seeing non-hospital or private patients or clients. This value shall be prorated based on the total number of hospital and non-hospital patient billing units or provider man-hours involved. For purposes of this subparagraph, if both hospital and non-hospital clients are served from the same location, hospital patients are defined as patients who are billed directly by the hospital for the service provided and for whom the hospital retains the full payment received as part of its gross operating revenue;
(F) the fair market value of the cost or subsidy of the use of any automobile, transportation tickets or passes, free or reduced parking, travel expenses, hotel accommodations, etc.; and
(G) Any items of value available to employees and not specifically listed above;
(20) A report containing the following:
(A) The full name of the hospital and each joint venture, partnership and related corporation affiliated with the hospital;
(B) The name and address of the chief executive officer of the hospital and each affiliate listed under this subdivision;
(C) The name and address of the Connecticut agent for service for the hospital and each affiliate listed under this subdivision; and
(D) A brief description of what each affiliate is, does or proposes to do and the type of services provided or functions performed;
(21) A report containing the salaries and the fair market value of any fringe benefits paid to hospital employees by each joint venture, partnership and related corporation, either directly or indirectly, and by the hospital to the employees of any of its affiliates. Indirect payments include, but are not limited to, payments made to each affiliate. For purposes of this section, a hospital employee is anyone who provides a service, which incurs an expense for the hospital; and
(22) A report of all transfers of assets, transfers of operations or changes of control involving the hospital's clinical or nonclinical services or functions from the hospital to a person or entity organized or operated on a for profit basis.
(c)Content of Twelve Months Actual Filing. The hospital's twelve months actual filing for the most recently completed fiscal year shall consist of the following required information components to be submitted annually to the Office by March 31st in accordance with sections 19a-649 and 19a-676 of the Connecticut General Statutes:
(1) Medicare managed care inpatient and outpatient charges, payments, discharges and patient days by payer;
(2) Medicaid managed care and medical assistance non-managed care inpatient and outpatient charges, payments, discharges and patient days by payer;
(3) Charity care, bad debts and total uncompensated care;
(4) Non-government payers' discount percentages, gross revenue, contractual allowances and payments either in total or by payer;
(5) Operating revenue and expenses including, but not limited to, gross revenue, deductions from gross revenue, other operating revenue, operating expenses and non-operating revenue;
(6) Discharges by DRG and the calculation of case mix adjusted discharges and case mix index;
(7) Inpatient and outpatient utilization statistics by service including licensed and staffed beds and percentage of occupancy, inpatient gross revenue and utilization statistics by payer, outpatient gross revenue by payer, total full time equivalent employees, and other services utilization statistics;
(8) Data inputs from hospital external source reports and external and internal source data reconciliations that include the reconciliation of data items from inputs of specific balance sheet, statement of operations and utilization statistics information and any other data contained in the hospital's most recent Medicare cost report and audited financial statements;
(9) A summary of gross revenue, net revenue, other operating revenue, revenue from operations, operating expenses, utilization statistics, case mix index, full time equivalent employees and related statistical analyses;
(10) Data inputs for inpatient and outpatient accrued charges and payments, payer mix, accrued discharges and patient days, average length of stay, case mix index and other required data elements used to calculate the disproportionate share hospital program underpayment calculations;
(11) A summary of inpatient and outpatient accrued charges and payments, accrued discharges, case mix index, other required data elements and a net revenue reconciliation to net revenue as defined by the office;
(12) A report providing the number of applicants for charity and reduced cost services, the number of approved applicants, and the total and average charges and costs of the amount of charity and reduced cost care provided; and
(13) A report of independent certified public accountants on applying agreed-upon procedures that provides the results of an independent audit of the level of charges, payments and discharges by primary payer related to Medicare, Medicaid, medical assistance, Champus, Tricare and non-governmental payers and the amount of Charity care and bad debts.
(d) A hospital requesting a partial waiver of the information required to be submitted to the office by an affiliate must request the waiver at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the due date of the required submission. The waiver request must include the following:
(1) A legal chart of corporate structure showing the hospital and each of its affiliates and the lines of reporting authority and control;
(2) The name, address, title and telephone number of the President and Chief Executive Officer of each affiliate;
(3) A list identifying each affiliate for which a waiver of informational filings is requested, specifically identifying the filings to which the request pertains, when they are due, and the reasons for the request; and
(4) A statement signed under penalty of false statement by the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Connecticut hospital for each affiliate listed in (3) above, which states that the affiliate for which the partial waiver is requested:
(A) Does not direct or control the Connecticut hospital seeking the partial waiver; and
(B) Does not do business with or share facilities, finances, personnel or services with the Connecticut hospital; and
(C) Is not located in Connecticut and does not do business in Connecticut; or
(D) Has provided an explanation of why the hospital should be given a waiver of some or all of the affiliate's filing requirements even though (A), (B), or (C) above do not apply. The explanation shall include details of the extent to which (A), (B) and/or (C) do apply.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 19a-643-206

Transferred from § 19a-167g-91, November 1, 2007; Amended November 1, 2007