Section 17a-392-6 - Income inclusions(a) Income for the program consists of adjusted gross income for purposes of federal income tax, plus any other income not subject to federal taxation including, but not limited to, the following:(1) Wages, bonuses, commissions, fees, lottery winnings, taxable portion of annuities, interest, dividends, pensions (including Veteran's), net rent or proceeds from sales of property, etc.(2) Nontaxable interest, including interest from tax exempt government bonds.(3) Social Security or railroad retirement income.(4) Any other income, including Supplemental Security Income, public assistance payments, and excludable portion of dividends per Internal Revenue Service Regulation.(b) The following shall be deemed not to be income for the purpose of the program: Casualty loss reimbursements by insurance companies; life insurance proceeds; income derived through volunteer service under the federal Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, as amended (such as stipends earned under the Foster Grandparents Program, retired Senior Volunteer Program, Senior Companion Program, etc.); food stamp coupon allotment; grants for disaster relief; gifts, bequests, or inheritances (although any interest or other income produced by the principal of any gift, bequest, or inheritance must be included); proceeds of reverse annuity mortgages; emergency energy assistance payments.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 17a-392-6
Effective December 17, 1992