Section 16a-48-6 - Certification of product compliance(a) Using the test methods outlined in Section 16a-48-5, manufacturers must provide data in such form as to allow the secretary to make a determination as to whether the product meets the standards set forth in Section 16a-48-4.(b) Procedures for the submittal of data are as follows:(1) If a manufacturer's product is certified in the State of California (CA), the manufacturer must send a letter on company letterhead to the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM) that indicates that the product is so certified and that the information the manufacturer had previously submitted to the California Energy Commission (CEC) is true and correct. A manufacturer of propane unit heaters must additionally provide pilot light information to the Secretary for Connecticut certification. Single voltage external AC to DC power supplies are exempt from these requirements. Manufacturers of Single voltage external AC to DC power supplies must label their product as required by the California code of regulations, Title 20: Division 2, Chapter 4, Article 4, Section 1607: Appliance Efficiency Regulations.(2) If the product is not certified in CA, the manufacturer must submit certification data to the CEC ( and submit a letter to the Secretary indicating that the information has been submitted to CA and that it is true and correct.(c) For each product listed in Section 16a-48-4, the Secretary will periodically review and validate the certification material submitted to the CEC.(d) The Secretary will create a publicly available list of certified products, and will notify the manufacturer within 45 days of submittal of compliance of the status of the manufacturer's product with regard to certification, or, if the Secretary does not certify the product, reasons for non-certification. Exception: Single voltage external AC to DC power supplies.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16a-48-6
Adopted effective April 11, 2006; Amended June 3, 2008