Section 16a-48-4 - Appliance energy efficiency standards(a) Commercial clothes washers sold, offered for sale, or installed for the first time on or after July 1, 2007 shall meet or exceed the following energy efficiency standards: Washer Type | Minimum Modified Energy Factor | Maximum Water Factor |
Front loading [LESS THAN]3.5 cubic foot clothes container compartment capacity | 1.26 | 9.5 |
Top loading [LESS THAN]1.6 cubic foot clothes container compartment capacity | 0.65 | 9.5 |
Top loading =1.6 cubic foot and [LESS THAN]4.0 cubic foot clothes container compartment capacity | 1.26 | 9.5 |
(b) Commercial refrigerators and freezers sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after July 1, 2008 shall meet or exceed the following requirements: Refrigerator/Freezer Type | Doors | Maximum Daily Energy Consumption kWh* |
Reach-in cabinets, pass- through cabinets, and roll-in or roll-through cabinets that are refrigerators | Solid | 0.125V + 2.76 |
| Transparent | 0.172V + 4.77 |
Reach-in cabinets, pass-through cabinets, and roll-in or roll-through cabinets that are freezers | Solid | 0.398V + 2.28 |
| Transparent | 0.940V + 5.10 |
Reach-in cabinets that are refrigerator/freezers | Solid | 0.273AV + 1.65 |
*Where V= Volume in Cubic Feet, and AV = Adjusted volume + refrigerator volume. |
(c) Illuminated exit signs sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after July 1, 2006 shall meet or exceed the following energy efficiency standards: Standard | Requirement |
Input Power | [LESS THAN]5 watts per face |
Luminance contrast | [LESS THAN]0.8 |
Minimum luminance | [GREATER THAN]8.6 caldelas/square meter measured at normal (0°) and 45° viewing angles |
Average luminance | [GREATER THAN]15 caldelas/square meter measured at normal (0°) and 45° viewing angles |
Maximum to minimum luminance ratio | [LESS THAN]20:1 measured at normal (0°) and 45° viewing angles |
(d) Large packaged air-conditioning equipment having not more than 760,000 BTUs per hour of capacity sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after July 1, 2009 shall meet a minimum energy efficiency ratio of 10.0 for units using both electric heat and air conditioning or units solely using electric air conditioning, and 9.8 for units using both natural gas heat and electric air conditioning.(e) Large packaged air-conditioning equipment having not less than 761,000 BTUs per hour of capacity sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after July 1, 2009 shall meet a minimum energy efficiency ratio of 9.7 for units using both electric heat and air conditioning or units solely using electric air conditioning, and 9.5 for units using both natural gas heat and electric air conditioning. Capacity | Type | Minimum Energy Efficiency Ratio |
=760,000 BTUs per hour | Units using both electric heat and air conditioning or units solely using electric air conditioning | 10.0 |
| Units using both natural gas heat and electric air conditioning | 9.8 |
=761,000 BTUs per hour | Units using both electric heat and air conditioning or units solely using electric air conditioning | 9.7 |
| Units using both natural gas heat and electric air conditioning | 9.5 |
(f) Low voltage dry-type distribution transformers sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after July 1, 2006 shall meet or exceed the following energy efficiency values: Single Phase | Three Phase |
Rated Power kVa | Output | Minimum % | Efficiency | Rated Power kVa | Output | Minimum % | Efficiency |
= 15 | [LESS THAN]25 | 97.7 | | = 15 | [LESS THAN]30 | 97.0 | |
= 25 | [LESS THAN]37.5 | 98.0 | | = 30 | [LESS THAN]45 | 97.5 | |
= 37.5 | [LESS THAN]50 | 98.2 | | = 45 | [LESS THAN]75 | 97.7 | |
= 50 | [LESS THAN]75 | 98.3 | | = 75 | [LESS THAN]112.5 | 98.0 | |
= 75 | [LESS THAN]100 | 98.5 | | = 112.5 | [LESS THAN]150 | 98.2 | |
= 100 | [LESS THAN]167 | 98.6 | | = 150 | [LESS THAN]225 | 98.3 | |
= 167 | [LESS THAN]250 | 98.7 | | = 225 | [LESS THAN]300 | 98.5 | |
= 250 | [LESS THAN]333 | 98.8 | | = 300 | [LESS THAN]500 | 98.6 | |
333 | | 98.9 | | = 500 | [LESS THAN]750 | 98.7 | |
| | | | = 750 | [LESS THAN]1000 | 98.8 | |
| | | | 1000 | | 98.9 | |
(g) Torchiere lighting fixtures sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after July 1, 2006 shall not consume more than 190 watts and shall not be capable of operating with lamps that total more than 190 watts.(h) Traffic signal modules sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after July 1, 2006 shall meet the product specification of the "Energy Star Program Requirements for Traffic Signals" developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency that took effect in February 2001, except where the department, in consultation with the Commissioner of Transportation, determines that such specification would compromise safe signal operation, and shall meet or exceed the following energy efficiency standards: Type | Red | Amber | Green |
| At 25°C (77°F) | At 74°C (165.2°F) | At 25°C (77°F) | At 74°C (165.2°F) | At 25°C (77°F) | At 74°C (165.2°F) |
300 mm circular | 11 watts | 17 watts | 22 watts | 25 watts | 15 watts | 15 watts |
200 mm circular | 8 watts | 13 watts | 13 watts | 16 watts | 12 watts | 12 watts |
300 mm arrow | 9 watts | 12 watts | 10 watts | 12 watts | 11 watts | 11 watts |
Lane control (X) | 9 watts | 12 watts | No requirement | No requirement |
Lane control (Arrow) | No requirement | No requirement | 11 watts | 11 watts |
The power consumption of traffic signal lamps shall be not greater than 25 watts.
(i) Unit heaters sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after July 1, 2006 shall not have continuously burning pilot lights and shall have either power venting or an automatic flue damper.(j) Residential furnaces and boilers purchased by the State after January 1, 2009 shall meet the following criteria: Type of Equipment | Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency | Electricity Ratio |
Gas and propane furnaces | [GREATER THAN]= 90% | -- |
Oil furnaces | [GREATER THAN]= 83% | -- |
Gas and propane boilers | [GREATER THAN]= 84% | -- |
Oil-fired hot water boilers | [GREATER THAN]= 84% | -- |
Gas and propane steam boilers | [GREATER THAN]= 82% | -- |
Oil-fired steam boilers | [GREATER THAN]= 82% | -- |
Furnaces with furnace air handlers except for oil furnaces of [LESS THAN]94,000 BTU/hour capacity | -- | [LESS THAN]= 2.0 |
Oil furnaces [LESS THAN]94,000 BTU/hour capacity with furnace air handlers | -- | [LESS THAN]= 2.3 |
(k) Metal halide lamp fixtures sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after Janaury 1, 2010 that are designed to be operated with lamps rated [LESS THAN]=150 watts but [LESS THAN]=500 watts shall not contain a probe-start metal halide lamp ballast;(l) Single voltage external AC to DC power supplies sold individually or sold as a component or in conjunction with another product and manufactured after January 1, 2008 shall meet or exceed the following energy efficiency standards: The efficiency in the active mode of power supplies when tested at 115 volts at 60 Hz, shall not be less than the applicable values shown (expressed as the decimal equivalent of a percentage); and the energy consumption in the no-load mode of power supplies when tested at 115 volts at 60 Hz shall not be greater than the values shown in the following table:
Nameplate Output | Minimum Efficieny - Active Mode |
0 to less than 1 watt | 0.49* nameplate output |
[GREATER THAN]= 1 and [LESS THAN]= 49 watts | 0.09* Ln(nameplate output) + 0.49 |
[GREATER THAN] 49 watts | 0.84 |
| Maximum Energy Consumption - No-Load Mode |
0 to [LESS THAN] 10 watts | 0.5 watts |
[GREATER THAN]= 10 and [LESS THAN]= 250 watts | 0.75 watts |
Where Ln (Nameplate output) = Natural logarithm of the nameplate output expressed in watts |
(1) Single voltage external AC to DC power supplies made available by a manufacturer directly to a consumer or to a service or repair facility after and separate from the original sale of the product requiring the power supply as a service part or spare part, shall meet the standards effective January 1, 2012 for external power supplies used with laptop computers, mobile phones, printers, print servers, scanners, personal digital assistants and digital cameras; effective July 1, 2012 for external power supplies used with wireline telephones and all other applications.(2) Single voltage external AC to DC power supplies with products subject to certification by the United States Food and Drug Administration.(m) State regulated incandescent reflector lamps sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after Janaury 1, 2009 shall be labeled indicating the date of manufacture, and shall be manufactured to meet the following minimum average lamp efficacy requirements: Nominal Lamp Wattage | Minimum Average Lamp Efficacy, Lumens per Watt |
40-50 | 10.5 |
51-66 | 11.0 |
67-85 | 12.5 |
86-115 | 14.0 |
116-155 | 14.5 |
156-205 | 15.0 |
(1) [LESS THAN]=45 Watt R-20 (Reflector, 2.5" diameter)(2) [LESS THAN]=50 Watt ER-30 (Ellipsoidal reflector, 3.75" diameter)(3) [LESS THAN]=50 Watt ER-40 (Ellipsoidal reflector, 5.0" diameter)(4) 65 Watt ER-40 (Ellipsoidal reflector, 5.0" diameter)(5) [LESS THAN]=50 Watt BR-30 (Bulge reflector, 3.75" diameter)(6) [LESS THAN]=50 Watt BR-40 (Bulge reflector, 5.0" diameter)(7) 65 Watt BR-30 (Bulge reflector, 3.75" diameter)(8) 65 Watt BR-40 (Bulge reflector, 5.0" diameter)(n) Bottle-type water dispensers that are designed for the dispensing of both hot and cold water that are sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after Janaury 1, 2009 shall have a stand-by energy consumption of = 1.2 KWH per day.(o) Commercial hot food holding cabinets sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after Janaury 1, 2009 shall have an idle energy rate no greater than 40 watts per square foot of measured interior volume.(p) The standby power of portable electric spas sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after Janaury 1, 2009 shall not be greater than 5(V2/3) watts where V = the total volume, in gallons.(q) Walk in refrigerators and walk-in freezers sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after Janaury 1, 2009 shall be equipped with the following required components: Motor Type | Required Components |
All | Automatic door closers that firmly close all reach-in doors |
All | Automatic door closers on all doors no wider than four foot or higher than seven foot, that firmly close walk-in doors that have been closed to within one inch of full closure. |
All | Envelope insulation [GREATER THAN]R-28 for refrigerators |
All | Envelope insulation [GREATER THAN]R-36 for freezers |
Condenser fan motors [LESS THAN]1 hp | Electronicaly commutated motors; permanent split capacitor-type motors; or polyphase motors[GREATER THAN] 1/2 hp |
Single-phase evaporator fan motors [LESS THAN]1 HP and [LESS THAN]460 volts | Electronically commutated motors |
(r) Residential pool pumps sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after Janaury 1, 2010 shall meet the following criteria:(1) Pool pump motors shall not be split-phase or capacitor start-induction type.(2) Pool pump motors [GREATER THAN]=1hp shall have the capability of operating at two or more speeds with the low speed having a rotation rate on more than 1/2 of the motors maximum rotation rate;(3) Pool pump motor controls shall have the capability of operating the pool pump at least two speeds. The default circulation speed shall be the lowest speed, with a high speed override capability being for a temporary period not to exceed on normal cycle.(s) Pool heaters sold, offered for sale, or installed on or after Janaury 1, 2009 shall meet or exceed the following criteria:(1) Thermal efficiencies of gas-fired and oil-fired pool heaters shall be not less than 78%;(2) Natural gas pool heaters shall not be equipped with a constantly burning pilot light;(3) All pool heaters shall have a readily accessible on-off switch that is mounted on the outside of the heater that allows shutting off the heater without adjusting the thermostat setting;(4) Heat pump pool heaters shall have a coefficient of performance (COP) of not less than 3.5 at standard temperature rating and at low temperature rating.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16a-48-4
Effective June 27, 1988; Amended April 11, 2006; Amended June 3, 2008