Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16a-48-2
These provisions apply to the following types of new products that are sold, offered for sale or installed in Connecticut: commercial clothes washers; commercial refrigerators and freezers; illuminated exit signs; large packaged air-conditioning equipment; low-voltage dry-type transformers; torchiere lighting fixtures; traffic signal modules; unit heaters, residential furnaces and boilers; residential pool pumps; metal halide lamp fixtures; single voltage external AC to DC power supplies; state regulated incandescent reflector lamps; bottle-type water dispensers; commercial hot food holding cabinets; portable electric spas; walk-in refrigerators and walk-in freezers; and pool heaters. Each provision applies only to units sold, offered for sale or installed on or after the effective date of the provision. These provisions do not include those products sold wholesale in Connecticut for final retail sale or installation outside the state, those installed in mobile manufactured homes at the time of construction, and those designed expressly for installation and use in recreational vehicles.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 16a-48-2