Section 14-80a-3a - ExceptionsSections 14-80a-1 a through 14-80a-10a do not apply to:
(a) The sound generated by a warning device, such as a horn or siren installed in a motor vehicle, unless such a device is intentionally sounded in order to preclude an otherwise valid noise emission measurement.(b) An emergency motor vehicle, such as a fire engine, an ambulance, a police van, or a rescue van, when it is responding to an emergency call.(c) A snow plow in operation.(d) The sound generated by auxiliary equipment which is normally operated only when the motor vehicle on which it is installed is stopped or is operating at a speed of 5 MPH (8 km/h) or less, unless such device is intentionally operated at speeds greater than 5 MPH (8 km/h) in order to preclude an otherwise valid noise measurement. Examples of that type of auxiliary equipment include, but are not limited to, cranes, asphalt spreaders, ditch diggers, liquid or slurry pumps, auxiliary air compressors, welders and trash compactors.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 14-80a-3a