Section 14-80-1a - Definitions(a) "Motor Vehicle" means any vehicle as defined in subdivision (26) of section 14-1, Connecticut General Statutes.(b) "dB(A)" means the standard abbreviation for "A" weighted sound level in decibels.(c) "Sound Level" means the "A" weighted sound level obtained by use of fast meter response and "A" weighting characteristics specified in American National Standard S1.4-1971 "Specification for Sound level Meters".(d) "Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (G.V.W.R.)" means the value specified by the manufacturer as the maximum fully loaded overall weight allowed for a single vehicle;(e) "Gross Combination Weight Rating (G.C.W.R.)" means the sum total of the G.V.W.R. of each vehicle or unit comprising a combination vehicle.(f) "Hard Test Site" means any test site having the ground surface covered with concrete, asphalt, packed dirt, gravel or similar acoustically reflective material for more than one-half the distance between the microphone target point and the microphone location.(g) "Soft Test Site" means any test site having the ground surface covered with grass, other ground cover or similar acoustically absorptive material for one-half or more of the distance between the microphone target point and the microphone location.(h) "Ground Cover" means any of various low, dense-growing plants such as ivy, myrtle, low weeds, or brush.(i) "Traffic Railing" means any longitudinal highway traffic barrier system installed along the side or median of a highway. For the purpose of this regulation, a traffic railing must have at least thirty-five percent of its vertical height from the ground surface to the top of the railing, open to free space in order to qualify as an acceptable object within a noise measurement test site. Posts or other discrete supports shall be ignored when ascertaining open free space.(j) "Relatively Flat" means a sound measuring site which does not contain significant concave curvatures or slope reversals that may result in the focusing of sound waves toward the microphone location.(k) "Motorcycle" means any vehicle as defined in subdivision (25) of section 14-1, Connecticut General Statutes.(l) "Snowmobile" means a vehicle coming within the definition of the term "snowmobile" as defined in section 14-379, Connecticut General Statutes.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 14-80-1a
Effective December 27, 1978