Section 13b-31c-3 - Request to designate a highway as scenic(a) Requests to designate a state highway as a scenic road may be made to the Commissioner by any agency, municipality, group or individual. (1) Requests for consideration must include a report providing pertinent information on the proposed designated highway. This report shall be prepared by the requesting agency, municipality, group or individual and submitted to the Commissioner. The report shall include the following: (A) Highway segments or areas to be included.(B) Description of natural and cultural resources and features of scenic interest.(D) Photographs of outstanding and representative scenery.(E) Properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places and/or state register of historic places.(b) The Advisory Committee shall make a systematic evaluation of the extent and quality of historic or scenic, natural and cultural resources for the proposed designated scenic road.(c) The Advisory Committee may review any reports, letters, articles, etc. or any other document which it deems necessary to assist in its recommendation. It may also request additional information from the applicant to clarify any information provided in the report.(d) Within 90 days of its meeting, the Advisory Committee shall, based on the review of the submitted information report and systematic evaluation of the resources, forward recommendations to the Commissioner for approval or denial of designation. This recommendation will include the identification of the specific features or characteristics which would qualify it as scenic or the reasons why a scenic designation is not considered appropriate.(e) Within 45 days after receiving the Advisory Committee's recommendation, the Commissioner will approve or deny the request for scenic road designation.(f) Within 15 days of the Commissioner's determination, the requesting agency, municipality, group or individual shall be informed in writing of the decision and the basis for it.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 13b-31c-3