Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-F42

Current through December 27, 2024
Section 12-574-F42 - Entries
(a)Abide by rules. Every person who enters a greyhound, or in any way participates in any race or racing is subject to sections 12-574-F1 to 12-574-F65, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.
(b)Racing secretary receives entries. The racing secretary shall be the only person authorized to receive entries and declarations for any race.
(c)License requirement. No greyhound shall be permitted to be entered in a race unless all persons having an ownership or interest in its earnings are in possession of a current greyhound owner's license.
(d)Official program requirement. The name of the kennel and the names of all persons having ownership or interest in a greyhound together with the greyhound's past performance record shall be printed in each official program of races in which that greyhound is entered.
(e)Requirements. Every entry in a race shall be entered in the name or kennel name of the registered owners. The full name of every person having an ownership in a greyhound or having any interest in its winnings shall be registered with the racing secretary before the greyhound is entered in a race. Any change in ownership shall also be registered with the racing secretary. Failure to comply with subsections (c), (d) and (e) of this section will result in a fine, license suspension or both. If an objection is made and is proven correct against a greyhound that has run in a race, the greyhound shall not participate in the purse distribution of the race in question and a redistribution of the purse shall be required. Any purse redistribution shall in no way affect the pari-mutuel payoff for the race.
(f)Entrance fees. The entrance to a race shall be free unless otherwise stipulated in its conditions, in which case an entrance fee shall accompany the entry as determined by the racing secretary.
(g)Joint entries. Joint entries may be made by one or more of the owners. In the event that ownership interests are equally divided, however, all partners shall be jointly and severally liable for all fees and forfeits.
(h)Proof of ownership. Racing officials or division representatives shall have the right to call on any person in whose name a greyhound is entered to produce proof that the greyhound entered is not the property either wholly or in part of any person who is disqualified; or to produce proof of the extent of their interest or property in the greyhound. Failing such proof the racing judges shall declare the greyhound out of the race.
(i)Prohibitions on entries.
(1) No greyhound shall be permitted to start that has not been fully identified.
(2) No disqualified greyhound shall be allowed to enter or to start in any race.
(3) The entries of any person or the transfer of any entry may be refused with or without notice or reason being given.
(4) No greyhound shall be permitted to enter unless it is conditioned by a licensed trainer.
(5) No greyhound on the official schooling list or the veterinarian's list shall be qualified to be entered.
(6) Any greyhound that has been the object of corrupt practices may be disqualified by the board of administrative judges of the meet for a period not longer than the duration of the meet, and the board shall report the circumstances to the division.
(j)Posting. Entries which have closed shall be compiled without delay by the racing secretary and conspicuously posted.
(k)Alterations. No alteration other than the correction of an error shall be made in any entry after the closing of entries.
(l)Starters - if excess entries. In the event the number of entries to any purse race is in excess of the number of greyhounds that may, because of track limitations, be permitted to start, the starters for the race shall be determined by the racing secretary.
(m)Races declared off. If any race fails to fill and is declared off, the names of all greyhounds that were entered therein shall be publicly posted in the racing secretary's office not later than 9:00 p.m. of the same day.
(n)Refunds. If an entry is received from any person or of any greyhound that is suspended or expelled, such entry shall be void and any entry fee paid shall be refunded.
(o)Prohibition - inconsistent racing. A greyhound whose entry is ordered refused at any recognized meet because of inconsistent racing or erratic racing performance shall not be permitted to race on any track.
(p)Prohibition - underage greyhound. No greyhound under the age of twelve (12) months shall run in any official race other than races conditioned for greyhounds of the same age.
(q)Filing claims. The holder of a claim of any kind against a greyhound shall be required to file the same with the racing secretary prior to the time the greyhound is entered. One who fails to do so shall forfeit their rights in the winnings of the greyhound prior to the time the claim is properly filed.
(r)Changes in unclosed race. The association shall have the right to withdraw or change any unclosed race.
(s)Postponements, refund. In case of fire, accident or for other reasons, after due public notice all races or stakes may be postponed or declared off and when so declared off, all entrance fees shall be refunded.
(t)Closing of entries. Entries for purse races shall close 24 hours prior to post time and no entry shall be received after that time, except when races fail to fill or in the case of printing errors, when additional time may be granted. There shall be no "also eligible" entries.
(u)Starters. Every greyhound entered for a purse must be a starter unless it is scratched.
(v)Special races and stake races. An association may conduct a race or series of races for a designated prize upon approval of the division. The association's request should include the source of purse monies to be paid, wagering format, qualification for entrance and the manner in which the purse will be distributed. All races conducted under such request shall be held in conformance with sections 12-574-F1 to 12-574-F65, inclusive, of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies.
(w)Reserve payment. An association may reserve payment of any purse money until after the results of drug testing are determined.
(x)Credit payment before starting. Before a greyhound can start, any person not having money to their credit with the association must pay to the association (in cash, if required), all entrance money, stakes and arrears then due the association on the greyhound intended to start.
(y)Sale to disqualified person. If a greyhound is sold to a disqualified person said greyhound's racing engagements shall be void as of the date of sale.

Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-F42

Adopted effective October 3, 2001