Current through December 4, 2024
Section 10-145d-404 - Assessment requirements(a)PRAXIS I. Essential Skills Requirement in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.(1) Except as provided in Section 10-145d-405, subsection (a) (1) of Section 10-145d-417 and 10-145d-427 any person who does not hold a valid certificate shall be required to submit official verification of one of the following: (1) Satisfactory scores on all components in one administration of the Connecticut Competency Examination for Prospective Teachers (CONCEPT) from any administration on or prior to December 31, 1994, or, satisfactory scores on all components of the PRAXIS I from any administration on or after January 1, 1995; or(2) A combined score of 1,000 or more on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), with no less than 400 on either the verbal or the mathematics subtest; or(3) A total score on the Prueba de Aptitude Academica (PAA) equivalent to a combined score of 1,000 on the SAT, with neither the mathematics nor the verbal subtest below the equivalent of 400 points and a minimum score of 510 on the English as a Second Language Achievement Test (ESLAT) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); or(4) A minimum score on the English and mathematics subtests of the American College Testing Program Assessment equivalent to a combined score of 1,000 on the SAT, with neither the English nor the mathematics subtest below the equivalent of 400 points.(b)Subject-area knowledge.Except as provided in Section 10-145d-610, as appropriate, any person who does not hold a valid certificate and any person wishing to receive an additional endorsement to an existing certificate, shall be required to submit official verification of a satisfactory evaluation on PRAXIS II, CONNECT, as appropriate. Subject-area knowledge assessment shall be required in the following areas: agriculture, vocational agriculture, art, biology, business education, chemistry, earth science, elementary education (not including the endorsement which covers only pre-kindergarten and kindergarten), English, French, general science, German, health, history and social studies, home economics, technology education, Italian, Latin, mathematics, music, physical education, physics, Spanish, special education, and in any other area as made available by the Board.(c)Professional knowledge.(1) To receive a provisional educator certificate, an applicant shall, except as otherwise provided by subdivision (2) of this subsection, be required to successfully complete the BEST assessment, if available. The time limit for the assessment may be extended upon a showing of good cause in accordance with Section 10-145d-427; or(2) The requirement of successfully completing the BEST assessment shall not apply to any person who has completed at least 30 school months of successful teaching in the subject area or field appropriate to the subject area or field for which the provisional educator certificate is sought, in a public or nonpublic school approved by the appropriate governing body during the 10 years immediately preceding the date of certification application or to a person who served successfully under a provisional teaching or provisional educator certificate for a board of education for the school year immediately preceding application for a provisional educator certificate, or to a person who has previously held Connecticut certification and is eligible for reissuance of such certificate in accordance with Section 10-145d-415(a) (3) or subsections (s) and (t) of Section 10-145d-427.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-145d-404