Official membership on the committee shall include: from the board of education and services for the blind-an administrator, a board member, and the agency coordinator; a representative of Oak Hill School; from the department of mental retardation-representatives from the central office, Southbury and Mansfield; a representative from the commission on the deaf and hearing impaired; a representative from the New England regional center; and one-third of the members shall be parent representatives (including at least one Southbury and one Oak Hill parent). Appropriate consultants will be invited including the American Foundation for the Blind and the Helen Keller National Center for Deaf-Blind Youths and Adults.
The ITP Team shall consist of:
The agency coordinator (chairperson).
The appropriate program coordinator.
The appropriate day program staff member.
The appropriate residential program staff member.
The student and/or guardian shall be invited.
Ancillary staff as appropriate will be included; i.e. medical person, social worker, vocational counselor, behavior specialist, therapists, consultants, etc.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-295-1