Committees, Councils, and Volunteers.
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Maintenance of a listing of all members of boards, committees or councils duly appointed by law, and of volunteers providing service to the agency.
Commissioner of Education, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Data are received from applications, recommendations, and submissions by the person.
Sections 10-1; 10-3a; 10-4 (c); 10-4d; 10-4e; 10-43; 10-47b; 10-63k; 10-76i (a); 10-76s; 10-145a (b); 10-226; Public Act 85-377; and Special Act 85-48.
Education; employment or business history; and reputation or character.
General supervision and administration by staff of the Commissioner.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies.
Connecticut Competency Examination for Prospective Teachers (CONNCEPT).
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
A complete data set is maintained for research, evaluation, and verification purposes.
Chief, Bureau of Research and Teacher Assessment, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Personal data are obtained directly from an outside vendor hired to analyze information provided by examinees. The vendor provides a magnetic data tape to the agency. The information is retrieved from the CONNCEPT Registration Bulletin and the examination itself.
Chapter 54 of the Connecticut General Statutes and Public Act 85-532.
Education; mailing address; social security number; sex; telephone number; date of birth; ethnic status; and native language.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies.
Discrimination Complaints.
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
To establish and maintain a record of complaints as well as of the efforts of the agency to address the complaints.
Chief, Office of Staff and Organizational Development, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Complainants bringing charges against the agency alleging discriminatory practices; individual respondents who are subjects of the charges; supervisors of the employees; and any other relevant source.
Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies Section 46a-68-46.
Education; finances; medical or emotional condition or history; employment or business history; family or personal relationships; and reputation or character.
Employees and applicants for employment.
Personal data are used for processing administrative complaints involving agency staff. The personal data are used to resolve disputes or as evidence in formal hearings. The personal data are used by the agency or any other state agency possessing jurisdiction over this subject matter.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies.
Due Process Hearings - Child Nutrition Programs.
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Maintenance of an official record of the hearing procedure before the Commissioner of Education.
Chief, Office of Legal and Governmental Affairs, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Data are received from the evidence entered into the official hearing record.
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 4-177 to 4-185a, inclusive.
Education; finances; medical or emotional condition or history; employment or business history; and reputation or character.
Any evidentiary submission that is received into the official hearing record.
The hearing officer, Commissioner of Education, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, and courts of competent jurisdiction review the records in order to render decisions.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies.
Due Process Hearings - School Accommodations.
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Maintenance of an official record of the hearing procedure.
Chief, Office of Legal and Governmental Affairs, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Data are received from the exhibits entered into the official hearing record.
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 10-186 and 4-177 to 4-185a, inclusive.
Education; medical; family or personal relationships; and reputation or character.
Any other data accepted into the official hearing record.
Students in public and private schools.
The personal data received and maintained in the official record are used by the Impartial Hearing Board to render its decision.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies.
Due Process Hearings - Special Education.
25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, Connecticut.
Maintenance of the record of the hearing involving a special education student.
Chief, Office of Legal and Governmental Affairs, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Data consists of evidentiary exhibits accepted into the record before the Impartial Hearing Board.
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 10-76h and 4-177 to 4-185a, inclusive.
Education; medical or emotional condition or history; family or personal relationships; and reputation or character.
Any evidentiary submission that is received into the record.
Special education students.
The Impartial Hearing Board compiles a record for review in order to render a decision.
Applicable retention schedules of state agencies.
General Educational Development.
25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, Connecticut.
To provide proof of the candidates achievement in the form of transcripts, diplomas and other forms of verification. Also, to provide a record of all persons who take the general educational development test which includes the categories of pass, fail, and incomplete.
Chief, Bureau of Adult Education and Training, 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, Connecticut
The data are obtained from the applicant, prior schools attended, and any other verifiable source.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-5.
Name; address; language; social security number; and date of birth.
The personal data are used to provide proof of the applicants achievement in the form of transcripts, diplomas, and other forms of verification by the agency. Applicants, employers, and academic institutions are users of the data.
Applicable record retention schedules for state agencies.
Human Resource Bank.
Area Cooperative Educational Service, 205 Skiff Street, Hamden, Connecticut.
Provision of a central listing source of staff development leaders and consultants for local or regional boards of education.
Chief, Bureau of Certification and Professional Development, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Person volunteers the information.
Section 10-4.
Education; employment or business history; and reputation, or character.
References; telephone number; and area of concentration.
Certified employees and education consultants.
Local and regional school district personnel shall access the data base to locate the appropriate person in order to receive consultation.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies.
Special Education Due Process: Hearings.
25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, Connecticut.
Maintenance of an official record of the hearing procedure before an impartial hearing officer.
Chief, Office of Legal Affairs, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Data are received from the evidence entered into the official hearing record.
Sections 10-76h and 10-186.
Education; finances; medical or emotional condition or history; employment or business history; and reputation or character.
Any evidentiary submission that is received into the official hearing record.
Children who are eligible or may be eligible for special education or related services.
The hearing officer and courts of competent jurisdiction review the records in order to render decisions.
Applicable retention schedules of state agencies.
Mediator and Arbitrator Applications and Fee Schedules.
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Maintenance of a fee schedule for each mediator and arbitrator and applications for candidacy for mediator or arbitrator.
Chief, Office of Legal and Governmental Affairs, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Data are provided by the mediator and arbitrators and candidates for mediator or arbitrator.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-153f.
Education; finances; and employment or business history.
Mediators and arbitrators duly appointed and candidates for said positions.
Selection of mediators and arbitrators by management and labor; and maintenance of a pool of candidates for future appointment by the Office of Legal and Governmental Affairs.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies.
Minority and Female Employment Applications and Resumes.
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
The personal data are maintained to comply with the recruitment requirements of the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities. Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies Sections 46a-5-12 to 46a-68-74, inclusive.
Chief, Office of Staff and Organizational Development, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
The personal data are obtained from applicants for employment.
Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies Sections 46a-5-12 to 46a-68-74, inclusive.
Education; finances; medical or emotional condition or history; employment or business history; family or personal relationships; and reputation or character.
Name; race; sex; address; date of birth; and social security number.
Minority and female applicants for state employment.
The applications and resumes of minority and female candidates for employment are kept on file for recruitment purposes. The agency, the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission are the users of this personal data.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies.
Minutes of the State Board of Education.
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Provision and maintenance of a record of all acts of the State Board of Education.
Commissioner of Education, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
The data are prepared by the Commissioner of Education for submission to the State Board of Education.
Section 10-2.
Education; medical or emotional condition or history; employment or business history; family or personal relationships; and reputation or character.
Persons transacting business with the State Board of Education.
Maintenance of an official record of all acts by the State Board of Education and the certification of the same to all concerned.
Applicable retention schedule of state agencies.
Official Personnel File.
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Maintenance of an official personnel file for each employee.
Chief, Office of Staff and Organizational Development, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Data are retrieved from the employee, the employee's supervisor, and any individual offering pertinent information concerning the employee.
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 5-193 to 5-280, inclusive.
Education; finances; medical or emotional condition or history; employment or business history; family or personal relationships; and reputation or character.
Garnishment of wages and payments thereon; contracts and correspondence regarding deferred compensation/tax shelter annuity payroll deduction programs; documents relating to retirement plans; requests for approval of sabbatical leave; and criminal convictions.
All current employees and former employees of the last 55 years.
The personal data collected and maintained are used by the agency's managers for supervisory functions as well as used for the administration of the office of personnel in order to maintain complete personnel documents required by the State Personnel Division, Office of the Comptroller, Group Insurance Carriers, and any other legitimate entity.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies.
Personnel Affirmative Action Payroll Information System (PAPIS).
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
PAPIS is an automated information system containing personal information on all agency employees. It is used to maintain current information on all employees which may be produced instantly.
Chief, Office of Staff and Organizational Development; and Division Director, Division of Finance and Administrative Services, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Information obtained from employees directly through employment applications and payroll records.
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 5-193 to 5-280, inclusive.
Finances; medical or emotional condition or history; and employment or business history.
Address; date of birth; sex; employee number; payroll number; job class and bargaining unit; ethnic origin; military service; and physical disability.
Current state employees.
The personal data are used by the office of personnel for administrative purposes, the office of payroll for purposes of remuneration and benefits, agency managers for supervisory purposes, the office of affirmative action for monitoring and compliance, group insurance carriers for actuarial calculations, and any other entity demonstrating a legitimate business use.
Records are kept until the person is no longer an agency employee.
Public Customer of Vocational-Technical School Production Services.
Each of the seventeen regional vocational-technical schools and four satellites. A directory listing of all of the schools is located at the Office of the Commissioner, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
The system records the customers receiving production work services from the regional vocational-technical schools. Personal data are maintained in order to determine the eligibility of the customers desiring to do business with the agency.
The Director of each regional vocational-technical school. A system directory listing of each regional vocational-technical school is located at the Office of the Commissioner, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Personal data are obtained from the customer or other sources with the written consent of the customer.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-95.
Education; finances; employment or business history; family or personal relationships; and reputation or character.
Customers for vocational production work.
The personal data are collected in order to determine the credit status of the customer who requests production work whose labor value exceeds $1,000. Each regional vocational-technical school uses the information to determine the eligibility for selection of production work projects.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies.
Public School Professional Staff.
State Data Center, 340 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
The data are used to determine if teachers are certified properly, to provide the agency with mailing lists, and to provide aggregated statistical information for research.
Chief, Bureau of Certification and Professional Development; and Chief, Bureau of Research and Teacher Assessment, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
The data are retrieved from applications by certifiable teachers and administrators. The data are gathered annually in the fall from local education agencies.
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 10-4 and 10-144 to 10-149, inclusive.
Social security number; birth year; sex; race; teaching area; school level; and full-time equivalent status.
All certified teachers in the public schools, including superintendents.
Applicable retention schedules of state agencies.
Section 10-4b Inquiry.
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Maintenance of a record of the preliminary investigation and of the record of the inquiry concerning the operation of school in accordance with the educational interests of the state.
Chief, Office of Legal and Governmental Affairs, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Data consists of investigatory information and evidentiary exhibits accepted into the record before the State Board of Education.
Section 10-4b of the Connecticut General Statutes and the regulations thereunder.
Education; finances; medical or emotional condition or history; employment or business history; family or personal relationships; and reputation or character.
Any investigatory materials and evidentiary submissions that are accepted into the record.
The person initiating the request; students; and employees of the local or regional board of education.
The records are used by the Commissioner of Education and the State Board of Education to render determinations and decisions pursuant to law.
Applicable retention schedules of state agencies.
Individual Special Student Information System (ISSIS).
State Office Building, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
The provision of accurate and timely data to the agency regarding students identified or served under the provisions of Public Laws 89-313 and 94-142, and Sections 10-76a to 10-76h, inclusive, of the Connecticut General Statutes.
Chief, Bureau of Evaluation and Student Assessment, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
The data are gathered annually from local education agencies, state vocational-technical schools, and the state unified school districts, with the primary input falling between September and December, and a secondary input between January and August.
Public Laws 89-313 and 94-142 and Sections 10-76a to 10-76h, inclusive, of the Connecticut General Statutes.
Special education students.
The data are used for providing grant information for the state and federal governments and for research. The users of the personal data are the agency, local education agencies, state agencies (Department of Mental Retardation, Department of Children and Youth Services, Department of Public Health, Department of Corrections). All of the aforementioned and the public at large use non-personalized statistical summary data gleaned from the individual records.
Applicable retention schedules of state agencies.
Staff Supervisory File.
A system directory listing is located at 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Files are maintained at the locale in order to record information related to educational assignment, evaluation of performance, length of service, and general supervision of employees.
Deputy Commissioner; Associate Commissioner, Division of Education and Support Services; Division Director, Division of Finance and Administrative Services; Associate Commissioner, Division of Teaching and Learning; and Division Director, Division of Grants Management; 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Data are obtained from the employee or a supervisor.
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 5-193 to 5-280, inclusive.
Education; finances; medical or emotional condition or history; employment or business history; family or personal relationships; and reputation or character.
Licensure in trade areas and certification in academic areas.
Applicants for vacancies and current employees of the State Department of Education.
The files are maintained by the employees of the agency to identify applicants for employment vacancies. The personal data are used for supervisory purposes by the various managerial staff members.
Applicable retention schedules of state agencies.
Surrogate Parent Program.
25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, Connecticut.
Maintenance of a record of students for whom appointments of a surrogate parent are made by the Commissioner of Education.
Chief, Bureau of Special Education and Pupil Services, 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, Connecticut.
Data are received regarding a child's entitlement to have a surrogate parent appointed.
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 10-94g to 10-94k, inclusive.
Education; medical or emotional condition or history; and employment or business history.
Status of child or family with other agencies.
Children who are eligible or may be eligible for special education and related services who are eligible for a surrogate parent.
Bureau of Special Education and Pupil Services selects surrogate parents for children in need of special education.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies.
Teacher Certification Revocation.
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Maintenance of a record in order for the State Board of Education to determine the eligibility of a teacher to continue to hold his or her certificate.
Chief, Office of Legal and Governmental Affairs, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Data consists of investigatory materials and any evidentiary exhibits accepted into the record before the State Board of Education.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-145b and the regulations thereunder.
Education; finances; medical or emotional condition or history; employment or business history; family or personal relationships; and reputation or character.
Any evidentiary submission that is accepted into the record, and any investigatory information concerning fraud or misrepresentation, neglect of duties, professional fitness, conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude or any other crime, and other due and sufficient causes.
Certified teachers pursuant to Section 10-145 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
The State Board of Education compiles a record for review in order to determine whether probable cause exists to conduct a revocation hearing by the board and in order to render a decision following the revocation hearing.
Applicable retention schedules of state agencies.
Student's Cumulative Record - Vocational Technical Schools.
The directory listing of sites located at 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Maintain a cumulative record of each student attending the regional vocational-technical schools.
Director of each vocational-technical school. A system directory listing is located at 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
The personal data are obtained from the student's sending school, the student or the student's parents or legal guardian. Medical information of the student may be obtained from the school physician, the student's personal physician, psychologist or other paraprofessional.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-95.
Education; medical or emotional condition or history; family or personal relationships; and reputation or character.
Personal information for counseling purposes.
Instructional staff as well as support staff such as psychologists or social workers routinely use the personal data in order to identify and respond to educational or personal needs of students.
Applicable retention schedules for state agencies unless otherwise specifically required by state or federal law.
Gun Free Schools Disciplinary Report.
165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
The program is used to aggregate data on the numbers of firearms or explosive devices that have been possessed by students on school property or at a school-sponsored event and the resulting disciplinary action taken.
Bureau Chief, Bureau of Curriculum and Instructional Programs, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.
Data is retrieved by procedures used for PC.
Connecticut General Statutes Section 10-233c(j).
Name of school, number of students expelled, and type of weapon confiscated.
Public school students who were expelled for firearms or explosive devices on school property or at a school-sponsored event.
Annual report to the U.S. Secretary of Education.
Three years minimum.
Special Education Due Process Data.
Bureau of Special Education and Pupil Services, 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, Connecticut.
Data related to hearing and mediation proceedings. Maintain data related to hearings and mediations for statistical analysis.
Education Consultant, 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, Connecticut.
Data received from information submitted in official hearing and mediation record.
Individuals with a Disability Education Act (IDEA) and Section 10-76h of the Connecticut General Statutes.
Name, disability, age and gender of child.
Name of school and district; names of attorneys; issues; dates of hearing; decisions date; disposition of case and identification of prevailing party.
Children with disabilities.
Statistical analysis.
Five years.
Adult Education Database Management.
25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, Connecticut.
To document student achievement for individuals enrolled in mandated adult education programs, provide documentation for credits in adult diploma programs and programs funded in conjunction with other state agencies.
Chief, Bureau of Adult Education and Training, 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, Connecticut.
Data are obtained from the applicant, prior schools attended, and any verifiable source.
Connecticut General Statutes Sections 10-67 to 10-73c, inclusive.
Student demographic data and student attendance data.
Program data, test data and achievement data.
Students enrolled in mandated adult education programs offered under Connecticut General Statutes 10-67 to 10-73c, inclusive, and 10-5, and P.L. 100-297, as amended.
Federal and state reporting.
Five years.
Conn. Agencies Regs. § 10-4-9