Opinions submitted for Colorado domestic companies must comply with the following:
All items required by the applicable annual statement instructions must be included as part of the opinion's scope, even if the required item has a value of zero.
"In establishing the health claim reserves and other related actuarial items, I have evaluated and considered the impact of any and all risk-sharing arrangements with provider groups, as required under Subsection (6)(F) of Colorado Insurance Regulation 3-1-3."
If no such risk-sharing arrangements exist, the annual Statement of Actuarial Opinion should include a statement such as:
"I am aware of the requirements of Subsection (6)(F) of Colorado Insurance Regulation 3-1-3, and I am not aware of any risk-sharing arrangements which would have a material impact on the amount of health claim reserves and other related actuarial items which have been established."
If any liability has not been established in accordance with this subsection, the Actuarial Opinion should disclose the nature of the deviation from this subsection, and the rationale and the effect of such deviation.
3 CCR 702-3-1-3-6