2 Colo. Code Regs. § 601-7-1.00
Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 2 CCR 601-7-1.00 - Definitions1.01 "Administrative and Maintenance Fees" shall mean reasonable fees based on the Highway average daily traffic and reflect the Highway right-of-way value and the Department's program administration costs pursuant to § 43-1-420(2) and § 43-1-1202(1)(a)(XI), C.R.S., pursuant to an agreement negotiated between the Department and Contractor.1.02 "Business" shall mean an eligible business, service or activity.1.03 "CDOT" or "Department" shall mean the Colorado Department of Transportation.1.04 "Contractor" shall mean a vendor selected by the Department to implement and administer the LOGO and TODS sign programs on behalf of the Department.1.05 "Expressway" shall mean a divided highway with partial control of access generally having grade separations at major intersections.1.06 "Freeway" shall mean a divided Highway with full access control having grade separations at all intersections.1.07 "Highway" shall mean any road on the state Highway system as defined in § 43-2-101(1),C.R.S.1.08 "Highway Miles" shall mean the driving distance in miles.1.09 "Intersection" shall mean the crossing of a conventional road and a Highway, excluding driveways, alleys, freeways, expressways, and the interstate system.1.10 "Interstate" shall mean the system of highways as defined in § 43-2-101(2), C.R.S.1.11 "LOGO Plaque" shall mean a flat rectangular information sign which is attached to a LOGO sign panel, either on the mainline, ramp or Trailblazer sign, and is limited to the name, brand name, trademark, logo or symbol for businesses providing motorist services for gas, food, lodging, camping, tourist attractions and/or twenty-four hour pharmacies.1.12 "LOGO Sign" shall mean a blue guide sign which belongs to CDOT; to which plaques belonging to businesses are attached, located on an interstate, freeway or expressway interchange which provides the traveling public with business identification and directional information for eligible services and tourist attractions.1.13 "Mainline Plaques" shall mean a sign along the main travelled way of a Roadway.1.14 "MUTCD" shall refer to the 2009 edition of the FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (including Revision 1 dated May 2012 and Revision 2 dated May 2012). Terms not defined in these Rules shall be in accordance with usage in the MUTCD.1.15 "Official Traffic Control Device" shall mean all signs, signals, markings, and devices placed or displayed by the Department or others pursuant to authority of any public body or official having jurisdiction for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic.1.16 "Permit" shall mean the document signed by both the Permittee and the Contractor, setting forth the terms and conditions for placement of a LOGO or TODS plaque on a LOGO or TODS sign panel.1.17 "Permittee" shall mean an eligible entity which applies for and is granted a permission to display a plaque on a LOGOS or TODS sign.1.18 "Ramp Plaques" shall mean a plaque installed on a ramp sign structure located along an off ramp from an interstate freeway or expressway.1.19 "ROW" or "Right-of-Way" shall mean the entire width of land between the public boundaries or property lines of a Highway acquired for or devoted to a highway purpose.1.20 "Roadway" shall mean that portion of a Highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the berm or shoulder. In the event the highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term roadway refers to any such roadway separately but not to all such roadways collectively.1.21 "Seasonal Closure" shall refer to a business that is not open to the public for more than fourteen (14) continuous days.1.22 "Symbol" shall mean the standard design markings used in preference to word messages and are as shown in the MUTCD, Part 2.1.23 "TODS" or "Tourist-Oriented Directional Sign" shall mean a blue guide sign which belongs to CDOT. Any attached plaques belong to the business associated with the plaque. TODS are installed at an at-grade intersection located along highways excluding interstates that provide the traveling public with business identification of and directional information for eligible tourist business, service, and activity facilities.1.24 "TODS Plaque" shall mean a flat rectangular information sign which is attached to a TODS sign panel, either on the mainline, ramp, or Trailblazer sign, limited to the name, brand name, trademark, logo or symbol for tourist-oriented businesses for motorists not residing within fifty (50) miles of the business.1.25 "Tourist Attraction" shall mean an attraction of regional interest whose primary purpose is to provide amusement, historical, cultural or leisure activities to the traveling public as further outlined in Section 2.00 below.1.26 "Trailblazer Sign" shall mean a supplemental guide sign that provides the travelling public with directional information to a particular business that displays a directional arrow and may include the mileage to the business.