2 Colo. Code Regs. § 408-2-4

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 23, December 10, 2024
Section 2 CCR 408-2-4 - DEFINITIONS
4a.Agenda Mailing List.

The agenda mailing list consists of all Persons who have sent a notice to the Board Office that they wish to be included on such list. These Persons will be mailed a Board meeting agenda prior to each scheduled Board meeting.


Means the Colorado Water Conservation Board as defined in §§ 37-60-101, 103 and 104, C.R.S.

4c.Board Office.

The Colorado Water Conservation Board's office is located at 1313 Sherman Street, 7th Floor, Denver, CO 80203. The phone number is (303) 866-3441. The facsimile number is (303) 866-4474. The Board's website is https://cwcb.colorado.gov.

4d.Contested Hearing Mailing List.

The Contested Hearing Mailing List shall consist of all Persons who have received Party status or Contested Hearing Participant status pursuant to Rules 5l. or 5m. This mailing list is specific to a contested appropriation.

4e.Contested Hearing Participant.

Any Person who desires to participate in the contested ISF process, but not as a Party, may obtain Contested Hearing Participant status pursuant to Rule 5m. A Person with such status will receive all Party documents. Contested Hearing Participants may comment on their own behalf, but may not submit for the record technical evidence, technical witnesses or legal memoranda.

4f.CWCB Hearing Officer.

The Hearing Officer is appointed by the Board and is responsible for managing and coordinating proceedings related to contested ISF appropriations, acquisitions or modifications, such as setting prehearing conferences and adjusting deadlines and schedules to further the Parties' settlement efforts or for other good cause shown. The Hearing Officer does not have the authority to rule on substantive issues.

4g.Final Action.

For purposes of Rule 5, final action means a Board decision to (1) file a water right application, (2) not file a water right application or (3) table action on an ISF appropriation; however, tabling an action shall not be construed as abandonment of its intent to appropriate.

4h.Final Staff ISF Recommendation.

Staff's ISF recommendation to the Board is based on Staff's data and report, and public comments and data contained in the official record.

4i. ISF.

Means any water, or water rights appropriated by the Board for preservation of the natural environment to a reasonable degree, or any water, water rights or interests in water acquired by the Board for preservation or improvement of the natural environment to a reasonable degree. "ISF" includes both instream flows between specific points on a stream and natural surface water levels or volumes for natural lakes.

4j.ISF Subscription Mailing List(s).

The ISF Subscription Mailing List(s) are specific to each water division. The ISF Subscription Mailing List(s) shall consist of all Persons who have subscribed to the list(s) by sending notice(s) to the Board Office that they wish to be included on such list for a particular water division. The Staff shall, at such times as it deems appropriate, mail to all Persons on the water court resume mailing list in each water division an invitation to be included on the ISF Subscription Mailing List for that water division. Persons on the list are responsible for keeping Staff apprised of address changes. Persons on the ISF Subscription Mailing List(s) shall receive agendas and other notices describing activities related to ISF recommendations, appropriations and acquisitions in the particular water division. Persons may be required to pay a fee in order to be on the ISF Subscription Mailing List(s).


For the purposes of the ISF Rules, mail refers to regular or special delivery by the U.S. Postal Service or other such services, electronic delivery (e-mail), or delivery by FAX transmission.


Any Person may obtain Party status pursuant to Rule 5l. Only a Person who has obtained Party status may submit, for the record, technical evidence, technical witnesses or legal memoranda. Each Party is responsible for mailing copies of all documents to all other Parties and Contested Hearing Participants.


Means any human being, partnership, association, corporation, special district, water conservancy district, water conservation district, municipal entity, county government, state government or agency thereof, and federal government or agency thereof.

4n.Proper Notice.

Means the customary public notice procedure that is provided each year by the Board in the preamble to the Board's January Board meeting agenda. This customary public notice procedure may include posting of the agenda at the Board office, filing legal notices when required, mailing to Persons on the Board mailing lists and posting notices on the Board's website.


As used in Rule 6, the terms "stack" or "stacking" refer to an instance in which the Board holds more than one water right for the same lake or reach of stream and exercises the rights independently according to their decrees.


Means the Director of the Colorado Water Conservation Board ("CWCB Director") and other personnel employed by the Board.

2 CCR 408-2-4

44 CR 04, February 25, 2021, effective 3/17/2021