Mining operations that are not Designated Mining Operations are exempt from this Rule 7, except as provided for in Rule 6.1, of these Rules.
Except for uranium mining operations, the effective date of this Rule 7.1 and all of its Subsections is July 1, 1994 (Section 34-32-116.5(3)(B), C.R.S. 1984, as amended). Any Operator/Applicant may voluntarily choose to comply with any part, or all, of this Rule at any time prior to July 1, 1994. As to uranium mining operations, all existing and future uranium mining operations are by law designated mining operations. Therefore, the procedure to determine whether a mining operation constitutes a designated mining operation is not applicable to uranium mining operations and such operations are subject to all designated mining operation requirements and regulations. However, such operations may request an exemption from designated mining operation status as provided in Rule 7.2.6 . If such exemption is granted, an in situ leach mining operator shall only be exempt from designated mining operation requirements; all in situ leach mining operation requirements shall continue to apply.
Any person who demonstrates that they are directly and adversely affected or aggrieved by the Office determination of designation or non-designation and where such person's interest is entitled to legal protection under the Act may appeal the Office's determination to the Board pursuant to Rule 1.4.11 . The operator/applicant may be a party to the appeal.
If the Office subsequently finds that the approved Environmental Protection Plan is not adequate to comply with the Act and these Rules for protection of human health or property or the environment in conformance with the duties of Operators as prescribed by the Act, the Office may direct the Operator/Applicant to propose a revision to the previously approved Plan within a reasonable time. Provided the Operator is operating in compliance with the approved permit, this Office directive to propose a change shall be considered a "possible problem" and not a "possible violation", unless the time period for submission of the revision is not met by the Operator.
Any Operator not granted relief, upon appeal of a designation as a Designated Mining Operation, shall submit an Environmental Protection Plan to the Office within ninety (90) days of issuance of the Board Order denying the appeal, unless granted additional time by the Board based on all the following:
2 CCR 407-1-7