These rules are promulgated pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes sections 22-9-104(2), 22-9-104(3) and 22-9-105.5(10). Section 22-9-101, C.R.S., et seq. creates a system to evaluate the effectiveness of licensed personnel in school districts and boards of cooperative services throughout the state as a means of improving the quality of education in Colorado.
The basic purposes of the statewide system to evaluate the effectiveness of licensed personnel are:
* To ensure that all Licensed Personnel are evaluated using multiple, fair, transparent, timely, rigorous, and valid methods, is determined by Measures of Student Learning.;
* To ensure that all licensed personnel receive adequate feedback and professional development support to provide them a meaningful opportunity to improve their effectiveness; and
* To ensure that all licensed personnel are provided the means to share effective practices with other educators throughout the state.
1 CCR 301-87-0.00