Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 6 CCR 1010-9-6.0 - WATER SUPPLY6.1 The water supply system shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in compliance with Colorado Department of Health regulations and recommendations to provide a safe, potable and adequate supply of water.
6.2 The water supply shall not be connected to any non-potable water supply, nor be subject to any backflow or back siphonage.6.3 No surface or stored water supply shall be used unless treated by a minimum of filtration and disinfection or under conditions approved by the Colorado Department of Health. When approved for use, transported water shall be obtained from an acceptable source, stored and dispensed in an approved manner, and shall contain a free chlorine residual of at least 0.2 p.p.m. at all points in the water system.6.4 Wells equipped with a hand-pump shall be of the enclosed self-priming or sealed interior type pump with a closed downward directed spout. The well casing shall be protected by extending the casing at least one inch above the face of the pump flange and a concrete apron graded to drain waste water away from the well. Open pitcher pumps are not permitted.6.5 Where water is distributed under pressure, the water supply system shall deliver water at a minimum pressure of at least 20 pounds per square inch and a minimum flow of at least one gallon per minute at all outlets.6.6 The water supply shall deliver the following minimum volumes:a. 100 gallons per day per campsite with individual water connections and where flush toilets are used in the camping vehicle or in the service building.b. 75 gallons per day per campsite where faucets are provided in common and centralized flush toilets in a service building are used.c. 50 gallons per day per campsite where faucets are provided in common and privies are used.d. 25 gallons per day per picnic site or 5 gallons per person per day in recreational area with common faucets and flush toilets.e. 3 gallons of water per person per day in a picnic or recreational area with common faucets and privies.6.7 Water service lines, riser pipes, and valves shall be installed and protected from damage by freezing, ground movement, vehicles, or other damage sources. Shut-off valves and drain valves, installed for draining the system, and the water service distribution lines shall be so arranged that water will be available to those campsites being occupied during low temperature winter periods. Underground stop and waste valves are not permitted and shall not be installed on any water service.6.8 Where water connections are provided at each campsite and there are individual sewer connections, the riser pipe shall be at least 1/2 inch size and shall extend at least 4 inches vertically above the ground elevation. It shall be equipped with a 1/2 inch valve outlet with a threaded male spigot for attaching a standard garden hose. 6.9 Where individual water connections are not provided, common-use water faucets shall be conveniently accessible and located not more than 150 feet from any campsite. 6.10 Drinking fountains, if provided, shall be approved angle jet types with adequate water pressures.6.11 Spillage, overflow, drainage, or waste water from faucets and drinking fountains shall be discharged to approved drains to prevent impoundment of water, creation of mud holes or other nuisance conditions.6.12 A water station for filling camping vehicle water storage tanks shall be provided at the rate of one station for every 100 campsites. These shall be located not less than 50 feet from a sanitary station. The station shall be posted with signs of durable material (not less than two feet) which state: POTABLE WATER - DO NOT USE TO FLUSH CAMPING VEHICLE WASTE TANKS. Such water stations shall consist of at least a 3/4 inch pipe and valve outlet and shall be protected against the hazards of backflow and backsiphonage by an approved vacuum breaker located downstream from the shutoff valve. The fill hose shall be suspended so that no part of the hose and its appurtenances will come into contact with the ground. A sign shall be posted at the entrance indicating the provision of a sanitary station and water station.