Section 4.04 - DistributionThe Developer shall submit the Notice of Intent to the following persons (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice of Intent Recipients"):
(1) Council memb e rs at those addresses contained in a list to be provided the developer by the Executive Secretary.(2) Executive Secretary, Hazardous Waste Facility Site Safety Council;(3) Director, Bureau of Solid Waste Disposal, Department of Environmental Management;(4) Director, Division of Hazardous Waste, Department of Environmental Quality Engineering;(5) Where the developer proposes a site in the Notice of Intent:(a) the chief executive officer of the proposed host community;(b) the chairman of the conservation commission of the proposed host community;(c) the chairman of the planning board of the proposed host community;(d) the chief of the fire department of the proposed host community;(e) the chairman of the board of health of the proposed host community;(f) the regional planning agency for the area in which the proposed host community is located;(g) the chief executive officer and chairman of the board health of each abutting community;(h) the owner(s) of the proposed site;(i) the local public library.(6) Where a developer has specified communities in which he is willing to consider suggested sites:(a) the chief executive officers of such communities;(b) the regional planning agency or agencies for the area or areas in which the proposed host communities are located;(c) the chairmen of the boards of health of such communities;(d) the local public libraries of such communities.(7) Where a developer has specified a region or regions in which he is willing to consider suggested sites:(a) the regional planning agency or agencies for such region or regions.