Section 10.01 - Project Notification Form (PNF)(1)Preparation. The developer shall prepare a ProjectNotificationFormwhich shall be comprised of the following:(a) an Environmental Notification Form (ENF), pursuant to 301 CMR 10.00, and(b) a Socio-Economic Notification Form (SENF), pursuant to 990 CMR The SENF shall be on a form prescribed by the Counci(2)Timing of Distribution. The developer shall distribute a Project Notification Form within:(a) 90 days of the date of Notification to the developer, pursuant to 990 CMR 5.05, that a Notice of Intent which names a specific site is feasible and deserving of state assistance, or(b) 120 days ofthe date of notification to the developer, pursuant to 990 CMR 7.05, of the final suggested site list.(c) In the event that the developer has received notice that a specific site is feasible and deserving of state assistance or has received notification of the final suggested site list prior to July 22, 1983, the PNF shall be distributed by September 22, 1983.If the developer fails to distribute the Project Notification Form within the time limits specified above, then the determination that the proposed project is feasible and deserving of state assistance shall be automatically rescinded, unless the developer is granted an extension of the time limit, pursuant to 990 CMR 10.01(3).
(3)Extension of Time Limits. The time periods as set forth above will be automatically extended until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting in the event that a request for an extension is received by the Executive Secretary prior to the expiration of such time periods. Such request must be in writing from the developer or from the Chairman of the Local Assessment Committee of the applicable host community.(a) At its next regularly scheduled meeting, the Council may either:1. extend the time limit for distribution for an additional period of 90 days, or2. decline to extend the time limit. In this case such time limit for distribution of the Project Notification Form shall be automatically extended for a period of 15 days after the Council meeting at which such action was taken(b) In determining whether to extend the time limit, the Council shall, upon evidence submitted by the developer, consider:1. whether the developer can reasonably be expected to submit a PNF prior to the expiration of the extension, and2. the extent to which factors which the developer could not reasonably have anticipated have retarded the submission of a PNF.The Council may thereafter extend the time limit for only one additional period of 90 days; such extension shall be determined in accordance with the standards for extension set forth in 990 CMR 10.01.
(4)Distribution and Notice. The developer shall distribute the PNF to all persons to whom the ENF must be sent pursuant to 301 CMR 10.00, and to the Notice of Intent Recipients.The Executive Secretary shall request that the Secretary publish notice of the availability of the SENF in the same manner as provided for an ENF pursuant to 301 CMR 10.00.
(5)Public Comment. There shallbe a review period of 20 days for public comment on the scope of the Socio-economic Appendix. During such comment period, the Council shall cooperate with the Secretary to solicit comments upon said scope at any meetings or consultation sessions held by the Secretary pursuant to 301 CMR 10.00.(6)Scope of the Socio-Economic Appendix (SEA)(a) An SEA shall assess the probable socio-economic impacts (both positive and negative) of the proposed project and of the alternatives considered in the Environmental Impact Report. It shall also describe feasible measures to minimize any adverse socio-economic impacts.(b) Following conclusion of the 20 day period for public comment on the SENF, the Council shall issue the specific scope of the SEA. The Council shall limit said scope to those impacts of the proposed project which could potentially have a significant effect upon the social or economic well-being of the host community, abutting communities or other communities in the commonwealth.(7)Major and Complicated Projects. In the event that the Secretary determines, pursuant to 301 CMR 10.00, that a pro p o sed project is major and complicated, the Council shall coordinate the schedule for subsequent review and evaluation of the socio-economic impacts of the project with the environmental review process established by the Secretary.