974 CMR, § 5.02
Affordable: A household earning 90% of AMI would not expend each year more than 30% of annual income for purchasing (assuming a 5% deposit on a mortgage) or renting a Dwelling Unit (including utilities).
Area Median Income (AMI). Boston area median income for the HUD Metropolitan Fair Market Area, adjusted for household size, as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1437, § 3 (the Housing Act of1937).
Area to be Developed For Housing. The total area of land included within the project boundary, excluding all Open Space(s) and Park(s).
Block. Area bounded on all sides by streets and/or roads, sidewalks or publicly-accessible trails.
Front. As defined in 974 CMR 1.02: Definitions except that the front of a building may face a road or a sidewalk.
Moderate-income: 100% or below of AMI.
Multi-family: A building that includes more than two and less than 21 dwelling units.
Open Space. Land available for use in perpetuity for active or passive recreation, conservation, agriculture or forestry, or historic, educational or cultural purposes.
Park. Land owned or accepted by MassDevelopment and available for use in perpetuity for active recreation, containing amenities that encourage community interaction such as playsets, benches, playing fields, community gardens, trails, and picnic areas.
Yard. As defined in 974 CMR 1.02: Definitions, except that stoops, open porches and stairs leading to the main level of a Structure may be located in any Yard (Front, Side or Rear).
Figure 1: Dwelling Units Abutting Open Space: Click to view image
Table 1: Lot Development Area, Frontage and Setback Design Standards
Residential Building Type | Max. Lot Area Square Feet (sf) | Min. Lot Area Square Feet (sf) | Min. Lot Frontage | Min. Front, Side + Rear Yard Setback | Maximum Front Yard Setback |
Single/Two-family* | 10,000 sf | 5,000 sf | 50' | 5' | 25'** |
Multi-family | 10,000 sf base, plus 2,500 sf per Dwelling Unit | 5,000 sf base, plus 1,500 sf per Dwelling Unit | 50' | 5' | 25'** |
* Maximum Lot Area for each single-family Dwelling Unit is 10,000 sf; it is also 10,000 sf for a two-family building
* Maximum Front Yard Setback shall be reduced to 15' for single story buildings
The DEC may promulgate a guidance document interpreting the sections of the 40B Guidelines as they are to be applied to Devens.
Figure 2: Park Requirement for Larger ProjectsClick to view image
974 CMR, § 5.02