Regardless of the source, all of a local council's funds must be used to support programs in the arts, humanities, or interpretive sciences in Massachusetts, and should meet the other substantive requirements set forth in the LCC Guidelines. Locally raised funds and interest earned must be kept in the LCC's municipal account with the LCC's state funds (as specified by 962 CMR 2.05) . Locally raised funds and interest earned should be identified on the books of the city or town as funds derived from sources other than the MCC. Unlike state funds distributed to the LCC from the MCC, prior MCC approval for expenditure of locally raised funds and interest earned is not required.
Funds raised locally from local council-originated projects must be kept in the LCC's municipal account. LCCs must observe the process and procedures outlined in 962 CMR 2.05 and 2.08(2) that detail how these funds must be kept, distributed and reported.
962 CMR, § 2.08