957 CMR, § 7.02
All defined terms in 957 CMR 7.00 are capitalized. As used 957 CMR 7.00, unless the context requires otherwise, terms have the following meanings:
Additions. New Units or enlargements of existing Units that may or may not be accompanied by an increase in Licensed Bed Capacity.
Adjudicatory Proceeding. A proceeding before an agency in which the legal rights, duties or privileges of specifically named persons or entities are required by constitutional right or by any provision of the General Laws to be determined after an opportunity for an agency hearing.
Administrative and General Costs. Administrative and General Costs include the amounts reported in the following accounts: administrator salaries; payroll taxes - administrator; workers' compensation - administrator; group life/health - administrator; administrator pensions; other administrator benefits; clerical; EDP/payroll/bookkeeping services; administrator-in-training; office supplies; phone; conventions and meetings; help wanted advertisements; licenses and dues (resident-care related); education and training - administration; accounting - other; insurance -malpractice; other operating expenses; realty company variable costs; management company allocated variable costs; and management company allocated fixed costs.
Administrator-in-training. A person registered with the Board of Registration of Nursing Home Administrators and involved in a course of training as described in 245 CMR 2.00: Nursing Home Administrators.
Audit. An examination of the Provider's cost report and supporting documentation to evaluate the accuracy of the financial statements and identification of Medicaid patient-related costs.
Building Costs. Building Costs include the direct cost of construction of the structure that houses residents and expenditures for service Equipment and fixtures such as elevators, plumbing and electrical fixtures made a permanent part of the structure. Building Costs also include the cost of bringing the building to productive use, such as permits, engineering and architect's fees, and certain legal fees. Building Costs include interest paid during construction to Building Costs but not Mortgage Acquisition Costs.
Capital Costs. Capital Costs include building depreciation, Financing Contribution, building insurance, real estate taxes, non-income portion of Massachusetts Corporate Excise Taxes, other rent and Other Fixed Costs.
Center. The Center for Health Information and Analysis established under M.G.L. c. 12C.
Change of Ownership. A bona fide transfer, for reasonable consideration, of all the powers and indicia of ownership. A Change of Ownership may not occur between Related Parties. A Change of Ownership must be a sale of assets of the Provider rather than a method of financing. A change in the legal form of the Provider does not constitute a Change of Ownership unless the other criteria are met.
CMS. The federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Department. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Direct Restorative Therapy. Services of physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech, hearing, and language therapists provided directly to individual residents to reduce physical or mental disability and to restore the resident to maximum functional level. Direct Restorative Therapy Services are provided only upon written order of a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner who has indicated anticipated goals and frequency of treatment to the individual resident. Direct Restorative Therapy Services include supervisory, administrative, and consulting time associated with provision of the services. These include, but are not limited to, reviewing pre-admission referrals, informally communicating with families, scheduling treatments, completing resident care documentation including MDS documentation, screening of patients, writing orders, meeting with aides to discuss patients, consulting with physicians and nurse practitioners, managing equipment and assessing equipment needs of patients.
EOHHS. The Executive Office of Health and Human Services established under M.G.L. c. 6A.
Equipment. A fixed asset, usually moveable, accessory or supplemental to the Building, including such items as beds, tables, and wheelchairs.
Financing Contribution. Payment for the use of necessary capital assets whether internally or externally funded.
Generally Available Employee Benefits. Employee benefits that are nondiscriminatory and available to all full-time employees.
Hospital-based Nursing Facility. A separate Nursing Facility Unit or Units located in a hospital building licensed for both hospital and Nursing Facility services in which the Nursing Facility licensed beds are less than a majority of the facility's total licensed beds and the Nursing Facility patient days are less than a majority of the facility's total patient days. It does not include free-standing Nursing Facilities owned by hospitals.
Improvements. Expenditures that increase the quality of the Building by rearranging the Building layout or substituting improved components for old components so that the Provider is in some way better than it was before the renovation. Improvements do not add to or expand the square footage of the Building. An improvement is measured by the Provider's increased productivity, greater capacity, or longer life.
Indirect Restorative Therapy. Indirect Restorative Therapy Services consist only of services of physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech, hearing and language therapists to provide the following: orientation programs for aides and assistants; in-service training to staff; consultation and planning for continuing care after discharge; pre-admission meetings with families; quality improvement activities such as record reviews, analysis of information and writing reports; personnel activities including hiring, firing, and interviewing; rehabilitation staff scheduling; and attending team meetings including quality improvement, falls, skin team, daily admissions, interdisciplinary, departmental staff, discharge planning, and family meetings when the resident is not present.
Industrial Accident Resident. A person receiving Nursing Facility services for which an employer or an insurer is liable under the Workers' Compensation Act, M.G.L. c. 152.
Licensed Bed Capacity. The number of beds for which the Nursing Facility is either licensed by the Department of Public Health pursuant to 105 CMR 100.020: Definitions, or for a Nursing Facility operated by a government agency, the number of beds approved by the Department of Public Health. The Department of Public Health issues a license for a particular level of care.
Massachusetts Corporate Excise Tax. Those taxes that have been paid to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue in connection with the filing of Form 355A, Massachusetts Corporate Excise Tax Return.
Maximum Available Bed Days. The total number of licensed beds for the calendar year, determined by multiplying the Mean Licensed Bed Capacity for the calendar year by the days in the calendar year.
Mean Licensed Bed Capacity. A Provider's weighted average Licensed Bed Capacity for the calendar year, determined by:
Mortgage Acquisition Costs. Those costs (such as finder's fees, certain legal fees, and filing fees) necessary to obtain long-term financing through a mortgage, bond, or other long-term debt instrument.
Nursing Costs. Nursing costs include the Reported Costs for Director of Nurses, Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Nursing Aides, Nursing Assistants, Orderlies, Nursing Purchased Services, and the Workers' Compensation expense, Payroll Tax expense, and Fringe Benefits, including Pension Expense, associated with those salaries.
Nursing Facility. A nursing or convalescent home; an infirmary maintained in a town; a charitable home for the aged, as defined in M.G.L. c. 111, § 71; or a Nursing Facility operating under a hospital license issued by the Department pursuant to M.G.L. c. 111, and certified by the Department for participation in MassHealth. It includes facilities that operate a licensed Residential Care Unit within the Nursing Facility.
Other Fixed Costs. Other Fixed Costs include real estate taxes, personal property taxes on the Nursing Facility Equipment, the non-income portion of the Massachusetts Corporate Excise Tax, Building insurance, and rental of Equipment located at the facility.
Other Operating Costs. Other Operating Costs include, but are not limited to the following reported costs: plant, operations and maintenance; dietary; laundry; housekeeping; ward clerks and medical records librarian; medical director; advisory physician; utilization review committee; employee physical exams; other physician services; house medical supplies not resold; pharmacy consultant; social service worker; Indirect Restorative Therapy and recreation therapy expense; other required education; job related education; quality assurance professionals; management minute questionnaire nurses; staff development coordinator; motor vehicle expenses including, but not limited to depreciation, mileage payments, repairs, insurance, excise taxes, finance charges, and sales tax; and Administrative and General Costs.
Patient Days. The total number of days of occupancy by residents in the facility. The day of admission is included in the computation of Patient Days; the day of discharge is not included. If admission and discharge occur on the same day, one resident day is included in the computation. It includes days for which a Provider reserves a vacant bed for a Publicly-aided Resident temporarily placed in a different care situation, pursuant to an agreement between the Provider and the MassHealth agency. It also includes days for which a bed is held vacant and reserved for a non publicly aided resident.
Presiding Officer. The individual(s) authorized by law or designated by the Center to conduct an Adjudicatory Proceeding.
Provider. A Nursing Facility providing care to Publicly-aided Residents or Industrial Accident Residents.
Prudent Buyer Concept. The assumption that a purchase price that exceeds the market price for a supply or service is an unreasonable cost.
Publicly-aided Resident. A person for whom care in a Nursing Facility is in whole or in part subsidized by the Commonwealth or a political subdivision of the Commonwealth. Publicly-aided Residents do not include residents whose care is in whole or in part subsidized by Medicare.
Related Party. An individual or organization associated or affiliated with, or that has control of, or is controlled by, the Provider; or is related to the Provider, or any director, stockholder, trustee, partner or administrator of the Provider by common ownership or control or in a manner specified in sections 267(b) and (c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended provided, however, that 10% is the operative factor as set out in sections 267(b)(2) and (3). Related individuals include spouses, parents, children, spouses of children, grandchildren, siblings, fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, brothers-in-law, and sisters-in-law.
Reported Costs. All costs reported in the cost report, less costs adjusted and/or self-disallowed.
Required Education. Educational activities, conducted by a recognized school or authorized organization, required to maintain a professional license of employees that provide care to Publicly-aided Residents. Required education also includes training for nurses' aides.
Residential Care. The minimum basic care and services and protective supervision required by the Department in accordance with 105 CMR 150.000: Licensing of Long-term Care Facilities for residents who do not routinely require nursing or other medically-related services.
Residential Care Unit. A Unit within a Nursing Facility licensed by the Department to provide residential care.
Unit. A Unit is an identifiable section of a Nursing Facility such as a wing, floor, or ward as defined by the Department in 105 CMR 150.000: Licensing of Long-term Care Facilities.
957 CMR, § 7.02