801 CMR, § 1.02
Applicant. An individual who has applied or been denied the opportunity to apply for benefits available under any program administered by an Agency, H.C.C. or veterans' agent appointed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 115, § 3.
ASAP. An Aging Services Access Point organized to provide services pursuant to a contract with The Executive Office of Elder Affairs.
Benefits. Any benefit to an individual or service administered or rendered by an Agency.
Case Manager. The Person who performs case management services.
DALA. The Division of Administrative Law Appeals.
Division of Hearings (DTA). The Division of Hearings for the Department of Transitional Assistance.
Electronic Medium. Any device used to preserve or transmit information electronically, including but not limited to telephone, e-mail and facsimile.
Hearing. An Adjudicatory Proceeding held under these informal rules at 801 CMR 1.02.
Institution. Any licensed hospital, nursing home or public medical institution.
Presiding Officer. The individual(s) authorized by law or designated by the Agency or DALA to conduct an Adjudicatory Proceeding.
Recipient. A Person or family receiving benefits under a program administered by an Agency, ASAP, or Veterans' Agent pursuant to M.G.L. c. 115, § 3.
801 CMR, § 1.02