Revise Section C401.2 as follows:
C401.2Application. Commercial buildings shall comply with Section C401.2.1, or C401.2.2, C401.2.3 or C401.2.4 C401.2.1International Energy Conservation Code. Commercial buildings shall comply with one of the following: 1.Prescriptive Compliance. The Prescriptive Compliance option requires compliance with Sections C402 through C406 and Section C408. Dwelling units and sleeping units in Group R-2 buildings without systems serving multiple units shall be deemed to be in compliance with this chapter, provided that they comply with Section R406.2.Total Building Performance. The Total Building Performance option requires compliance with Section C407. Exception: Additions, alterations, repairs and changes of occupancy to existing buildings complying with Chapter 5.
C401.2.2ASHRAE 90.1. Commercial buildings shall comply with the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 as modified by C402.1.5, C402.3, C405.3, C405.4, C405.13 and C406. C401.2.3APPENDIX CC. Commercial buildings may elect to comply with the requirements of IECC Appendix CC - ZERO ENERGY COMMERCIAL BUILDING PROVISIONS C401.2.4MA Stretch energy code. Commercial buildings may elect to comply with the requirements of CMR 225 22 or 23 - MASSACHUSETTS STRETCH ENERGY CODE, or, the MUNICIPAL OPT-IN SPECIALIZED STRETCH ENERGY CODE promulgated by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources. C401.2.2Performance rating method for source energy. ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 APPENDIX G PERFORMANCE RATING METHOD, Section G1.1 Exception: When Appendix G is used for the comparison of building energy consumption only, the comparison may be performed on site energy basis.
C402.1.5Component performance alternative. Building envelope values and fenestration areas determined in accordance with Equation 4-2 shall be an alternative to compliance with the U-, F- and Cfactors in Tables C402.1.4 and C402.4 and the maximum allowable fenestration areas in Section C402.4.1. Fenestration shall meet the applicable SHGC requirements of Section C402.4.3. Buildings following ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1 shall comply with this section. Exception: Buildings demonstrating a vertical UA equal or lower than a prescriptive UA calculated in accordance with TABLE C402.1.4
A + B + C Zero (Equation 4-2)
A = Sum of the (UA Dif) values for each distinct assembly type of the building thermal envelope, other than slabs on grade and below-grade walls.
UA Dif = UA Proposed - UA Table.
UA Proposed = Proposed U-value × Area Proposed.
UA Table = (U-factor from Table C402.1.3, C402.1.4 or C402.4) × vertical fenestration Area baseline.
B = Sum of the (FL Dif) values for each distinct slab-on-grade perimeter condition of the building thermal envelope.
FL Dif = FL Proposed - FL Table.
FL Proposed = Proposed F-value × Perimeter length.
FL Table = (F-factor specified in Table C402.1.4) × Perimeter length.
C = Sum of the (CA Dif) values for each distinct below-grade wall assembly type of the building thermal envelope.
CA Dif = CA Proposed - CA Table.
CA Proposed = Proposed C-value × Area.
CA Table = (Maximum allowable C-factor specified in Table C402.1.4) × Area.
C402.3Rooftop solar readiness (Mandatory). Follow Appendix CB: Solar-ready zone - Commercial. Modify Vertical fenestration U-factors in TABLE C402.4:
C405.2.4Daylight-responsive controls. Daylight responsive controls complying with Section C405.2.4.1 shall be provided to control the general lighting within daylight zones in the following spaces: 1. Spaces with a total of more than 100 watts of general lighting within primary sidelit daylight zones complying with Section C405. Spaces with a total of more than 300 watts of general lighting within sidelit daylight zones complying with Section C405. Spaces with a total of more than 100 watts of general lighting within toplit daylight zones complying with Section C405.2.4.3.C405.13Electric Vehicle Ready Parking Spaces ("EV Ready Spaces") (Mandatory). Group A-1, B, E, I, M and R buildings with new parking spaces shall provide EV Ready Spaces in accordance with Table C405.13. Installed wiring suitable for 6.6 kW or higher SAE J1772-2017 AC Level II EVSE shall be connected to the service panel and run to within 6 feet (1828mm) of any qualifying parking space. Conductors and outlets for EVSE shall be sized and installed in accordance with the MA electrical code.Add the following row to ASHRAE 90.1 Normative Appendix G Performance Rating Method, Section G Table G3.1.1-1.
Building Area Types | Baseline Building Gross Above-Grade-Wall Area |
Multi-family | 24% |
Add section.
Add section.
Add section.
Vertical fenestration U-factor
Fixed fenestration 0.30
Operable fenestration 0.32
C402.6 Approved calculation software tools. The following software tools are sufficient to demonstrate compliance with Section C401.2.1 Prescriptive Compliance.
COMcheck-Web available at:
Table C405.13
# of Parking Spaces | Minimum # of EV Ready Spaces |
1 | 0 |
2 - 6 | 1 |
7 - 13 | 2 |
14 - 20 | 3 |
21 - 40 | 4 |
41 plus | 10%, but not more than 16 spaces |
The branch circuit shall be identified as "EV READY" in the service panel or subpanel directory, and the termination location shall be marked as "EV READY". The circuit shall terminate in a NEMA receptacle or a Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) standard J1772 electrical connector.
1. Parking spaces and garage spaces intended exclusively for storage of vehicles for retail sale or vehicle service.2. This requirement will be considered met if all spaces which are not EV Ready are separated from the meter by a public right-of-way.3. One or more AC Level II spaces may be substituted with multiple AC Level I spaces provided with wiring for a minimum 20 amp, 120-volt EVSE, with a ratio of at least 3 AC Level I spaces for each AC Level II space required.4. Any parking facility with 4 or more spaces providing installed Direct Current fast charging EVSE with a minimum charging speed of 150 kW to each space.5. Parking spaces specifically designated for medium or heavy-duty vehicles are excluded from the EV-ready space percentage calculation. C405.13.1Minimum Charging Performance Requirements. Automatic Load Management Systems (ALMS) may be used to control electric vehicle loads for EV-Ready or EVSE-Installed Spaces with AC Level II or Level I charging, subject to the performance requirements in Table C405.13.1. The maximum number of parking spaces that may share a single branch circuit varies based on the percentage of all parking spaces to be provided with EVSE.C405.13.2Identification. Construction documents shall indicate the branch circuit termination point and proposed location of future EVSE. Construction documents shall also provide information on amperage of future EVSE, wiring schematics, Automatic Load Management Systems, and electrical load calculations to verify that the electrical panel service capacity and electrical system, including any on-site distribution transformers, have sufficient capacity to simultaneously charge all EVs at all required EV ready spaces.C405.13.1 Add Section C405.13.1 as follows:
***[TABLE C405.13.1]
C405.13.2 Add Section C405.13.2 as follows: