Section 11.05 - Vehicle Operations(1)General. The legislative Acts and Resolves of the General Court of Massachusetts relating to Motor Vehicles and the Registry o f Motor Vehicles Regulations, including without limitation, M. G. L. c. 89, M.G.L. c. 90 and 540 CMR insofar as they are applicable to vehicular traffic on the Tobin Memorial Bridge, are hereby adopted by the Authority and shall be in full force and effect. Each Operator shall observe 740 CMR 11.00et seq., any rules and regulations hereafter promulgated by the Authority, the Authority's Management Directives and Executive Director's Memoranda. All rights, privileges, licenses and permits, express or implied, for the use of the Tobin Memorial Bridge by the Operator heretofore or hereafter granted by the Authority shall be deemed to be revocable; and each such right, privilege, license or permit shall, at the option of the Authority or its duly authorized representative, be deemed to be revoked and canceled by and upon the breach of any such rule or regulation or upon the violation of any applicable law or ordinance while upon said Tobin Memorial Bridge.(2)Order or Direction. Each operator of a motor vehicle on the Tobin Memorial Bridge shall comply at all times with any lawful order, signal or direction of a Bridge Official or Police Officer. When traffic upon the Tobin Memorial Bridge is controlled by traffic lights, signs, pavement markings or by mechanical or electrical signals, each operator shall obey such lights, signs, markings and signals unless a Bridge Official or Police Officer directs otherwise.(3)Prohibited Traffic. The Director may prohibit from the Tobin Memorial Bridge any motor vehicle which may endanger persons or property or to render the use of Tobin Memorial Bridge unsafe, subject to reasonable classification, and in conjunction with the national standards and guidelines developed by AASHTO or successor organization. The Director shall issue notice of any prohibitions or limitations prior to implementation through signposts on all roads immediately leading to the Tobin Memorial Bridge and shall publish said prohibitions or limitations on one or more occasions in daily newspapers of general distribution, unless emergency action is deemed to be required, in the sole discretion of the Authority.(4)Prohibited Vehicles.(a)Specific. No Person may operate the following motor vehicles on the Tobin Memorial Bridge unless the Director, at his/her sole discretion, has granted permission to cross the Tobin Memorial Bridge: 1. AASHTO Type H-20 Tractor - in excess of 20 tons.2. AASHTO Type 3 Tractor - in excess of 25 tons.3. AASHTO Type 3S2 Tractor - in excess of 36 tons.4. AASHTO Type HS20 Tractor - in excess of 36 tons.5. Motor vehicles which exceed the maximum width of 8' - 0".6. Motor vehicles that exceed the maximum height of 14' - 0".7. Motor vehicles with a metal, solid or deflated pneumatic tire; and motor vehicles with a tire in a worn or bald condition.8. Motor vehicles carrying Dangerous Articles as defined in 720 CMR 9.02.9. Motor vehicles carrying Hazardous Materials as defined and listed in 49 CFR §§ 171 through 173, and 177.(b)General. No person may operate a motor vehicle on the Tobin Memorial Bridge unless it meets the following requirements: 1. Each motor vehicle shall meet all requirements for brakes, directional signals, lights, safety devices and equipment as specified in M.G.L. c. 90.2. Each motor vehicle shall properly display a current valid inspection sticker pursuant to M.G.L. c. 90, § or the law of another jurisdiction in which the vehicle is registered as indicated by the number plate displayed by the vehicle.3. Each motor vehicle shall comply with the provisions of 49 CFR 325, 390 through 393, 395, 396 and 399, governing highway safety and noise emissions, which are incorporated by reference. Each operator shall conform to the requirements of 49 CFR 325, 390 through 393, 395, 396 and 399.(5)Prohibited Use of Way. The Authority prohibits the following on the Tobin Memorial Bridge:(a)Hitch-hiking. No person may solicit a ride commonly known as "hitch-hiking" on the Tobin Memorial Bridge. No person shall loiter on the Tobin Memorial Bridge for any other unauthorized purpose.(b)Trash. No person may throw or otherwise dispose of trash or personal property of any kind from a motor vehicle on the Tobin Memorial Bridge nor shall any other nuisance or disorderly conduct be committed on the Tobin Memorial Bridge. The Authority shall be entitled to reimbursement for the cost of removing trash or personal property improperly discarded and for the cost of responding to public nuisances.(c)Designated Areas. No person may travel on any portion of the Tobin Memorial Bridge, except on the roads, walks or places expressly provided by the Authority with its permission. No person shall occupy these roads, walks or places in a manner that will hinder or obstruct the proper flow of vehicular traffic on the Tobin Memorial Bridge.(d)Advertising, Solicitation. No person may advertise, solicit, sell or distribute any commodity or personal property of any kind on the Tobin Memorial Bridge without the prior written permission of the Authority.(e)Propelled by Muscle Power. No person may operate a vehicle or device propelled, in whole or in part, by muscle power on the Tobin Memorial Bridge including without limitation, a bicycle, a vehicle drawn by a horse or other animal, a motorized bicycle, a moped, a motorized scooter.(f)Properly Confined Animal. No person may travel on any portion of the Tobin Memorial Bridge with a horse or other animal not properly contained in an appropriate vehicle.(g)Improper Loading. No person may operate a motor vehicle on any portion of the Tobin Memorial Bridge unless such motor vehicle is constructed or loaded so as to prevent any of its contents from dropping, shifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom while traveling on the Tobin Memorial Bridge.(6)Direction of Traffic. All traffic on the ramps and roadway of the upper level of the Tobin Memorial Bridge shall proceed in a southwesterly direction only. All traffic on ramps and roadways o f the lo wer level o f the Tobin Memo rial Bridge shall proceed in a north easterly direction only. The Authority may, at its sole discretion, change the direction of the vehicular traffic on the Tobin Memorial Bridge upon giving advance notice to the traveling public.(7)In General: Reasonable Care; Not Driving so as to Endanger. Each operator shall exercise reasonable care to avoid or prevent injury or damage to Persons or property. No Person may operate a motor vehicle on the Tobin Memorial Bridge carelessly or negligently, or in disregard of the rights and safety of others, or in disregard of the posted speed limits, or in a manner so as to endanger persons or property.(8)Stopping or Parking. No operator may stop or park a motor vehicle on the Tobin Memorial Bridge except: (a) when necessary to avoid injury to a person or damage to property;(b) in compliance with the direction of a police officer or Bridge official; or(c) when unable to proceed because of disability to the motor vehicle.(9)Removal of Vehicle. The Authority or a police officer may cause a stopped, parked or disabled motor vehicle to be removed from the Tobin Memorial Bridge if it is an impediment or hazard to vehicular traffic. Any motor vehicle so removed shall be removed, garaged or stored elsewhere at the risk and expense of the registered owner or operator.(10)Driving Under the Influence. No person may operate a motor vehicle on the Tobin Memorial Bridge while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or controlled substances.(11)Speeding. No person may operate a motor vehicle in excess of the posted speed limits on the Tobin Memorial Bridge.(12)Emergency Vehicles. Upon the approach of a motor vehicle of a municipal fire or police department, the Authority, or any ambulance emitting an emergency audible or visual alarmsignal, each operator shall proceed with caution, maneuvering so as to clear the way for said motor vehicle.(13)In General: Compliance with M.G.L. chs. 89 and 90. In addition to complying with all regulations set forth above, each operator shall comply with all requirements M.G.L. chs. 89 and 90.