If MassDOT fails to meet any of the time frames outlined in 700 CMR 13.03(5), the Applicant may notify the District Highway Director in cases involving a Category I Permit and the Chief Engineer in cases involving Category II or III Permits in writing that a review deadline has expired. In such cases, the District Highway Director or the Chief Engineer shall ensure that the applicable review is completed no later than five business days from receipt of such notification. Once the PS&E submission is approved, the District Highway Director will issue the Permit authorizing the work to be performed in accordance with the procedures outlined in 700 CMR 13.03(6).
If the proponent has not already done so, MassDOT, as a permitting State Agency, has the authority and obligation to require proponents to submit their projects for a MEPA review or an advisory opinion when plan submissions indicate that MEPA review thresholds are being approached or exceeded. MassDOT may require additional traffic studies and updated site plans to confirm that MEPA review thresholds have not been exceeded. Any requests for an advisory opinion submitted to MEPA should be copied to the appropriate MassDOT and the MassDOT Public/Private Development Unit. Should a MEPA filing and review be required, MassDOT will not issue an access permit until the MEPA certificate has been issued. It is expected that any such requests to the proponent, from MassDOT, would be identified in either the Completeness Review or the 25% Design Review stages.
700 CMR, § 13.03