Section 50.06 - Collaborative Employees(1)Public Employer. The collaborative board of directors is a public employer and may employ such personnel as may be required to fulfill its mission subject to the certification and approval standards in M.G.L. c. 40, § 4E.(2)Segregation of Duties. (a) There must be segregation of duties between the positions of executive director, treasurer and business manager.(b) No appointed representative on the collaborative board of directors shall be eligible to serve in the position of executive director, treasurer, or business manager or a person with responsibilities similar to those of a town accountant.(c) No employee of the collaborative may serve on the board of directors of the educational collaborative or shall be eligible to serve concurrently in the positions of treasurer, or business manager or a person with responsibilities similar to those of a town accountant.(d) No employee shall serve concurrently in the positions of executive director, treasurer, or business manager or a person with responsibilities similar to those of a town accountant.(3)Executive Director. Each collaborative board of directors shall hire an executive director to oversee collaborative programs and services and shall annually evaluate the executive director's performance and effectiveness in implementing the programs, policies and goals of the collaborative. The executive director:(a) shall serve under the general direction of the collaborative board of directors;(b) shall be responsible for managing and supervising the educational collaborative; and(c) shall vote on behalf of the collaborative to select a Regional Liaison to the Department from among the collaboratives of a region.(4)Business Manager. Each collaborative board of directors shall hire a business manager or an employee with responsibilities similar to those of a town accountant who shall be subject to M.G.L. c. 41, § 52. Each collaborative board of directors shall ensure an annual evaluation of such employee's performance and effectiveness. The business manager or employee with responsibilities similar to those of a town accountant may not serve concurrently as treasurer or executive director of the collaborative.(5)Treasurer. Each collaborative board of directors shall hire or appoint a treasurer to manage all receipts and disbursements through the education collaborative fund and to perform such duties as are required by the collaborative board of directors and authorized by M.G.L. c. 40, § 4E, and 603 CMR 50.00. The collaborative board of directors shall annually evaluate the treasurer's performance and effectiveness. The collaborative board may hire or appoint a treasurer of a member district city, town or regional school district to serve as its treasurer.(6)School Nurses. The collaborative board of directors shall appoint one or more registered nurse(s) as a school nurse and shall provide such nurse with all proper facilities for the performance of the school nurse's duties. Collaboratives with programs housed in an operating public school may enter into an agreement with the host school district whereby the school nurse of the host school or district provides school nursing services to the students served by the collaborative. No person shall be employed by a collaborative as a school nurse, unless such nurse is either licensed as a school nurse under 603 CMR 7.00: Educator Licensure and Preparation Program Approval or was employed as a school nurse by the collaborative on or before February 1, 2012.(7)Hardship Waivers. The Commissioner may exempt a collaborative board of directors for any one school year from the requirement to employ certified or approved personnel in accordance with M.G.L. c. 40, § 4E.Amended by Mass Register Issue 1428, eff. 10/16/2020.