Section 7.03 - Continuation of Certification Period(1) Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 30A, § 13, the certification period for an officer shall continue after the reference date for the officer, if: (a) The application, in a form approved by the commission, is submitted in advance of the reference date for the officer;(b) The application is submitted in advance of any applicable deadline, and in conformity with any procedures, established by the commission; and(c) The commission finds the application to be substantially complete.(2) The inclusion of an officer's name in a roster submitted in accordance with 555 CMR 7.02(3) shall be considered an application on behalf of the officer for purposes of 555 CMR 7.03(1)(a).(3) A certification period continued pursuant to 555 CMR 7.03 will end upon the issuance of a final decision regarding recertification.Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1472, eff. 6/10/2022 (EMERGENCY).Amended by Mass Register Issue 1479, eff. 6/10/2022 (COMPLIANCE).