555 CMR, § 7.01
For the purposes of 555 CMR 7.00, the following terms have the following meanings unless the context requires otherwise:
Authority. An officer's employing agency or any supervisor therein; the civil service commission; any arbitrator or other third-party neutral with decision-making power; and any court.
Bridge Academy Training. The "additional training as required by the municipal police training committee" pursuant to St. 2020, c. 253, § 102(b).
Certification Period. The period of time between the effective date and the expiration date of an individual's certification as a law enforcement officer, including any period of continuation, provided for under M.G.L. c. 30A, § 13 or 555 CMR 7.03, beyond the reference date.
Commission. The peace officer standards and training commission as an agency, including its commissioners and its staff.
Conditional Certification and Conditional Recertification. A certification of the type described in 555 CMR 7.04.
Decertification and Revocation of Certification. Are synonymous, as provided in M.G.L. c. 6E, § 1, and such terms refer to a revocation of certification made by the commission pursuant to M.G.L. c. 6E, § 10, an action distinct from a "denial of recertification."
Denial of Recertification. A commission decision not to renew an individual's certification as a law enforcement officer, made pursuant to M.G.L. c. 6E, §§ 3(a) and 4, an action distinct from "decertification" or "revocation of certification."
Employing Agency. The law enforcement agency for which an officer is employed or the appointing authority that is responsible for submitting documentation concerning an officer's recertification to the commission.
Final Decision. The ultimate commission decision on recertification, following any review or hearing or the expiration of the time afforded for an officer to seek such review or hearing, and following the satisfaction of any conditions attached to a conditional recertification or the expiration of the time to satisfy any such conditions; and does not include a decision granting a conditional recertification.
Full Certification and Full Recertification. A decision granting certification for three years pursuant to M.G.L. c. 6E, § 4(f)(3), without any limitation, condition, restriction, or suspension imposed pursuant to M.G.L. c. 6E, § 3(a) or another provision.
Good Character and Fitness for Employment. "Good moral character and fitness for employment in law enforcement," M.G.L. c. 6E, § 4(f)(1)(ix).
Municipal Police Training Committee and MPTC. The agency of the same name within the executive office of public safety, as established in M.G.L. c. 6, § 116.
Reference Date. The end date for an officer's certification provided for in St. 2020, c. 253, § 102 or the end date of a prior certification issued to an officer by the commission, whichever is later, without regard to any period of continuation provided for by M.G.L. c. 30A, § 13 or 555 CMR 7.03.
555 CMR, § 7.01