Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
(1) Elevators shall conform to all requirements of 524 CMR and where such equipment lacks features required by 524 CMR or contains features different than those required of 524 CMR, a variance from the Board is required. Variances shall be filed, reviewed and decided in accordance with M.G.L. c. 143, § 70. The Board may grant variances in one of three ways:(a) Prototype approval (required for product approval).(b) Product approval (required after prototype approval if more than one installation is sought).(c) Variance approval (required when one installation is sought).(2)Approval Requirements. Application for product approval, prototype approval or variance approval shall be made on application forms. Any non-compliance with 524 CMR shall be specifically identified by 524 CMR and chapter and section number.(3)Prototype Approval. If product approval is sought, prototype approval shall first be obtained by way of a variance request for the new prototype. All features which do not comply with 524 CMR shall be listed in the prototype approval application. Prototype approval shall be obtained prior to a permit for installation and submitted with the permit application.(4)Product Approval. Product approval is obtained after installation is complete by way of an on-site review of the prototype by the Board or its designee. Once a product is approved, no further approvals will be required for future installations of the same product, so long as it is manufactured and installed precisely according to the specifications of the product approval issued by the Board. However, every permit application for future installations shall contain the product approval issued by the Board.(5)Variance Approval. Where prototype approval and/or product approval is not sought but where elevator features do not comply with requirements of 524 CMR, variance approval is necessary. Variance approval shall be obtained prior to a permit for installation and submitted with the permit application.Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1366, eff. 6/1/2018.