521 CMR, § 21.2

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 21.2 - LOCATION

Curb cuts shall occur wherever an accessible route crosses a curb and at the following locations:

21.2.1Curb cuts are required at each corner of each intersection, located within the crosswalk and/or the pedestrian path of travel. Curb cuts shall be perpendicular to the curb at street crossings and each shall have a level landing at the top. At marked crossings, the bottom of the ramp run, exclusive of flared sides, shall be wholly contained with the marked crossing. See Fig. 21a. The crosswalk/pedestrian path of travel must also be perpendicular to the curb.

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Exception: Where pedestrian right-of-way established width will not accommodate a perpendicular curb cut and landing, a parallel public sidewalk curb cut with a level landing at its bottom shall be provided instead of a perpendicular curb cut. Apex curb cuts: Where site constraints prevent the installation of a perpendicular curb cut or a parallel curb cut with a level landing, an apex curb cut is allowed. Site constraints include the following:
a. Driver or pedestrian line of sight to or from the front of the level landing on the ramp is impaired, preventing safe observation of crosswalks or approaching traffic at the intersection by a significant immovable or unalterable streets cape feature such as a building, structure or historic element, etc.
b. Stop line is beyond the allowed limit as stated in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
c. Vaults containing electrical, telecommunications, etc. that are under or on the existing sidewalk.
d. Large radius intersections which are 30 feet or greater. When apex curb cuts are installed a 48 inch (48" = 1219mm) landing shall also be provided at the bottom of the curb cut and located within the marked crosswalk.
21.2.2 Reciprocal curb cuts: When curb cuts or sidewalks are being constructed or reconstructed on one side of the street, and when such curb cuts or sidewalks are connected to an opposite side of the street by one or more pedestrian paths of travel, then at least one curb cut shall be provided on the opposite side of the street where such side is controlled by the same owner.
21.2.3 Driveways: Curb cuts are required at driveways intersecting sidewalks when the driveway has side curbs.
21.2.4 Raised Islands: Any raised islands in crossings shall be cut through level with the street or have curb cuts at both sides and a level area at least 48 inches (48" = 1219mm) long between the curb cuts in the part of the island intersected by the crossings.
21.2.5 Obstructions: Curb cuts shall be located or protected to prevent their obstruction by parked vehicles.

521 CMR, § 21.2