At least 5% but not less than one, of the tables shall be accessible, be on an accessible route, and in compliance with the following:
17.2.1 Distribution: Accessible tables shall be distributed by size and location throughout the space or facility. In establishments where separate areas are designated for smoking and non-smoking patrons, the required number of accessible tables shall be proportionally distributed between the smoking and non-smoking areas.17.2.2 A 36 inch (36" = 914mm) access aisle shall be provided between all accessible tables. No seating shall overlap the access aisle. See Fig. 17a.17.2.3Clear floor space as defined in 521 CMR 5.00: DEFINITIONS shall be provided at each seating space. Such clear floor space shall not overlap knee space by more than 19 inches (19" = 483mm). See Fig. 17a. Click to view image
17.2.4 Knee Clearances: If seating for people in wheelchairs is provided at tables or counters, knee spaces at least 27 inches (27" = 686mm) high, 30 inches (30" = 762mm) wide, and 19 inches (19" = 483mm) deep shall be provided. See Fig. 17b.17.2.5 Height of Tables or Counters: The tops of accessible tables and counters shall be from 28 inches to 34 inches (28" to 34" = 711mm to 864mm) above the finish floor or ground. See Fig 17b. Click to view image