360 CMR, § 10.015

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 10.015 - Implementation Charges
(1) To recoup costs incurred by the Authority to implement and enforce 360 CMR 10.000, the Authority has adopted the following implementation charges:
(a) To respond to a request to allow a one-time only discharge: $60 per hour. The minimum charge is three hours ($180). Payment of $180 shall be made before the Authority considers the request. The charge for more than three hours, if appropriate, shall be paid upon notice by the Authority and before the Authority provides a decision on the request. The Authority, in its discretion, may waive all or part of the charge for a request for a de minimis discharge.
(b) To respond to a spill or other release of materials that enters or threatens to enter the Authority's sewer system or a tributary to Authority's sewer system: $180 per hour. The minimum charge is three hours ($540). The Authority may also charge for its sampling and analytical costs and its costs of preventing the materials from entering the sewer and for containing and removing materials from the sewer. The Person responsible for the spill or other release shall pay the charge. If more than one Person is wholly or partially responsible for the spill or other release, each such Person is jointly and severally liable for the charge.
(2)Late Payment and Service Charges. The Authority may assess a late payment charge of 1% per month on an outstanding balance (including interest and service charges) of a charge not fully paid within 30 days of notice of the charge from the Authority. The Authority may also assess a service charge of $50 for each check returned for insufficient funds or otherwise dishonored.
(3)Disputes, Appeal Rights, and Procedures.
(a) A Person that disagrees with the amount of its charge shall have 30 days from the date of the notice of the charge from the Authority to file a written petition with the Authority to dispute the charge. The petition may not contest any matter that was previously decided, unless material circumstances have changed since the decision. The petition shall state the facts and contentions supporting the petition. A Person that disputes its charge shall pay the amount it claims is due, if any, within 30 days of the notice of the charge by the Authority, pending resolution of the appeal. A Person that fails to pay timely the amount shall have its petition dismissed.
(b) The Authority may schedule an informal interview with the Person to discuss the petition, or it may review the petition on the basis of the materials submitted by the Person. The Authority may also require additional information and documentation from the Person to support the petition. After the Authority concludes its review of the petition, it shall issue a written ruling on the petition.
(c) The Person may appeal the written ruling issued by the Authority pursuant to division (d) by requesting in writing, within 30 days of the date of the ruling, an adjudicatory hearing under the provisions of 360 CMR 1.00: Adjudicatory Proceedings. Within 30 days after the date of the final Authority ruling, the Person shall pay the amount due the Authority, if any, plus interest at the rate of 1% per month on the amount due, computed from the date the appeal was filed.
(4)Nonpayment Procedures. The Authority may take one or more of the following actions if a Person does not fully pay its charge, any late payment charge, or service charge:
(a) Deny the Person's application to renew its permit upon expiration of the permit until full payment is made and, for an initial permit, not issue the permit until full payment is made;
(b) Suspend the Person's permit until full payment is made;
(c) Bring a civil action for collection of the amount owed the Authority, including reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred by the Authority in pursuing such action;
(d) Suspend the Person's water and/or sewer service, with, where required, the approval of the municipal supplier; and
(e) Take any other action available to the Authority under law or regulation.
(5)Charge Not Exclusive Remedy. Imposition of a charge shall not limit the Authority's ability to take any enforcement action authorized by law or regulation, or any other action authorized by law or regulation, regardless of any charge assessed or paid. Payment of a charge does not relieve a Person of any other liability under any federal, state, Authority, or local law or regulation.

360 CMR, § 10.015

Amended by Mass Register Issue 1399, eff. 9/6/2019.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1526, eff. 7/19/2024.